—MorphoHelena 2019/8/19

12 years has passed by, I realize that you'll meet too many people in your life which some may help you and hurt you. If you can learn something from good or bad, I'm sure you're becoming better and better. And all the happy moments come from the sorrow ones.
Thank you, my friends and enemies. Both of you make sense in my tough 29 years' journey. The teacher who motivated me in 2006 would do it continuely, though we had lost contact since 2014. It's not because of his problem but mine.
An independent person should not be always depend on others' helping hands. You have to learn something by your own, then you will be called as a real man finally. Fortunately, I meet this guy who told me that your dream was not a dream, you could achieve them all through your ambition and actions. More importantly, he showed me how he was doing it by himself and explained the meaning of a real teacher should be.
Now, he is still influencing me though we aren't keeping in touch. But he tells me what is responsibility and why we need to help others whom are in dangers. And the most important thing is that I have learned where I am from, who I am and which place I want to go in the end, that's all.
The only advice I want to tell everyone is: never forget the original goal that you promised yourself to complish, and always ask yourself if you have gone the wrong way or not?If not, you would never be a loser even if you're walking slowly. You may not reach success which you have wished to be, but you will be a successful man in your own life definitely. Because you had fought for it !
Good night, the man that changed my way in thinking with my brain and soul. I will keep learning from you, an outstanding American man who traveled around the world in 19 years old, shot by gun as a war reporter in August, 2008, Georgia, healed in Royal Hospital, UK, and was admitted to Oxford University in 2009.
Come on, you can do, I can do. My sweat and tears worth in fighting for my dreams. Why not be the person you want to be?
