[译] Python装饰器Part II:装饰器参数

[译] Python装饰器Part II:装饰器参数

作者: TypingQuietly | 来源:发表于2015-07-05 19:17 被阅读1375次

这是Python装饰器讲解的第二部分,上一篇:Python装饰器Part I:装饰器简介


Python装饰器Part I:装饰器简介中,我演示了怎么样使用无参数的装饰器,主要是使用类式装饰器,因为这样更容易理解。

class decoratorWithoutArguments(object):

    def __init__(self, f):
        If there are no decorator arguments, the function
        to be decorated is passed to the constructor.
        print "Inside __init__()"
        self.f = f

    def __call__(self, *args):
        The __call__ method is not called until the
        decorated function is called.
        print "Inside __call__()"
        print "After self.f(*args)"

def sayHello(a1, a2, a3, a4):
    print 'sayHello arguments:', a1, a2, a3, a4

print "After decoration"

print "Preparing to call sayHello()"
sayHello("say", "hello", "argument", "list")
print "After first sayHello() call"
sayHello("a", "different", "set of", "arguments")
print "After second sayHello() call"


Inside __init__()
After decoration
Preparing to call sayHello()
Inside __call__()
sayHello arguments: say hello argument list
After self.f(*args)
After first sayHello() call
Inside __call__()
sayHello arguments: a different set of arguments
After self.f(*args)
After second sayHello() call




class decoratorWithArguments(object):

    def __init__(self, arg1, arg2, arg3):
        If there are decorator arguments, the function
        to be decorated is not passed to the constructor!
        print "Inside __init__()"
        self.arg1 = arg1
        self.arg2 = arg2
        self.arg3 = arg3

    def __call__(self, f):
        If there are decorator arguments, __call__() is only called
        once, as part of the decoration process! You can only give
        it a single argument, which is the function object.
        print "Inside __call__()"
        def wrapped_f(*args):
            print "Inside wrapped_f()"
            print "Decorator arguments:", self.arg1, self.arg2, self.arg3
            print "After f(*args)"
        return wrapped_f

@decoratorWithArguments("hello", "world", 42)
def sayHello(a1, a2, a3, a4):
    print 'sayHello arguments:', a1, a2, a3, a4

print "After decoration"

print "Preparing to call sayHello()"
sayHello("say", "hello", "argument", "list")
print "after first sayHello() call"
sayHello("a", "different", "set of", "arguments")
print "after second sayHello() call"


Inside __init__()
Inside __call__()
After decoration
Preparing to call sayHello()
Inside wrapped_f()
Decorator arguments: hello world 42
sayHello arguments: say hello argument list
After f(*args)
after first sayHello() call
Inside wrapped_f()
Decorator arguments: hello world 42
sayHello arguments: a different set of arguments
After f(*args)
after second sayHello() call




def decoratorFunctionWithArguments(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    def wrap(f):
        print "Inside wrap()"
        def wrapped_f(*args):
            print "Inside wrapped_f()"
            print "Decorator arguments:", arg1, arg2, arg3
            print "After f(*args)"
        return wrapped_f
    return wrap

@decoratorFunctionWithArguments("hello", "world", 42)
def sayHello(a1, a2, a3, a4):
    print 'sayHello arguments:', a1, a2, a3, a4

print "After decoration"

print "Preparing to call sayHello()"
sayHello("say", "hello", "argument", "list")
print "after first sayHello() call"
sayHello("a", "different", "set of", "arguments")
print "after second sayHello() call"


Inside wrap()
After decoration
Preparing to call sayHello()
Inside wrapped_f()
Decorator arguments: hello world 42
sayHello arguments: say hello argument list
After f(*args)
after first sayHello() call
Inside wrapped_f()
Decorator arguments: hello world 42
sayHello arguments: a different set of arguments
After f(*args)
after second sayHello() call

因为闭包的特性, wrapped_f()在不需要像在类式装饰器例子中一样显示存储arg1, arg2, arg3这些值的情况下,就能够访问这些参数。不过,这恰巧是我觉得“显式比隐式更好”的例子。尽管函数式装饰器可能更加精简一点,但类式装饰器会更加容易理解并因此更容易被修改和维护。

原文地址:Python Decorators II: Decorator Arguments


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本文标题:[译] Python装饰器Part II:装饰器参数
