缩写 | 全称 | 中文 |
AR | Augmented Reality | 增强现实 |
ATW | Asynchronous Time Warp | 异步时间扭曲 |
ASW | Asynchronous Space Warp | 异步空间扭曲 |
AMOLED | Active-matrix organic light-emitting diode | 有源矩阵有机发光二极管 |
CSAA | Coverage Sampling Anti-Aliasing | 覆盖采样抗锯齿 |
DFFR | Dynamic Fixed Foveated Rendering | 动态固定注视点 |
F5G | The 5th generation Fixed networks | 第五代固定网络 |
FOV | Field of View | 视场角 |
FXAA | Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing | 快速近似抗锯齿 |
HDR | High-Dynamic Range | 高动态范围图像 |
IPD | Inter Pupillary Distance | 瞳距 |
LCoS | Liquid Crystal On Silicon | 硅基液晶 |
MEC | Multi-access Edge Computing | 多接入边缘计算 |
MEMS | Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems | 微机电系统 |
MR | Mixed Reality | 混合现实 |
MTP | Motion-to-Photons | 头动响应 |
MSAA | Multi-sample Anti-Aliasing | 多重采样抗锯齿 |
Micro-LED | Micro Light Emiitting Diode Display | 微型发光二极管 |
OLEDos | Organic Light Emitting Diode on Silicon | 硅基OLED |
PGC | Professional Generated Content | 专业生产内容 |
PSNR | Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio | 峰值信噪比 |
PPD | Pixel per Degree | 每度像素数 |
RGBD | Red-Green-Blue-Depth | 深度图像 |
PPI | Pixels per Inch | 像素密度 |
SRG | Surface Relief Grating | 表面浮雕光栅波导 |
SSIM | Structural Similarity | 结构相似性 |
SSAA | Supersample Anti-Aliasing | 超采样抗锯齿 |
SMAA | Enhanced Subpixel Morphological Anti-Aliasing | 子像素增强抗锯齿 |
TXAA | Temporal Anti-Aliasing | 时间性抗锯齿 |
UGC | User Generated Content | 用户生产内容 |
VR | Virtual Reality | 虚拟现实 |
VRPC | Virtual Reality Promotion Committee | 虚拟现实产业推进会 |
VAC | Vergence Accommodation Conflict | 辐辏调节冲突 |
VHG | Volumetric Holographic Grating | 全息体光栅波导 |