

作者: 师千璎 | 来源:发表于2022-05-13 00:56 被阅读0次


1、Did you have a test yesterday?

    Yes ,we did.

2、How did you do in the test?

I'm afraid that I didn't do very well.

3、Did you make any mistakes?

Yes, I did, I made some.

4、Are you very careful with your grammar?

Usually Iam very careful, but in that test I wasn't  careful enough.

5、Did you often make mistakes?in your written work?

I'm afraid I did.

6、How did the other comrades do in de test?

I'm glad to see most of them did very well.

7、Did anyone got everything right?


Why did he do so well?

He works very hard and is always careful in his studies。He is one of the best students in  our class。

8、We must always be very careful in our oral and written exercise,don't you think?

Yes, you're right.


五四运动:The May 4 Movement;

详细做笔记:TO make full notes;

队长:team leader;

革命活动:Revolutionary activities;

有用的词汇:careful words;

接近劳动人民:To be close to the working people;

中学毕业:to finish middle school;

帮助他做这个工作:To help him with the work。To help him (to) do the work;

注意拼法:To pay addition to one's spelling;

学到很多东西:to learn a great deal;

乐于帮助同志:to be ready /glad to help one's comrades;

对英语下工夫:to work hard at English;

听时事报告:To go to a report on current affairs;

去参加音乐会:to go to a concert;

有很大的进步: to make great /much progress。


Last sunday Igot(get) up very early.After we had(have) all breakfast. Jack and Iwent(go) to the summer palace。Wegot(get) there at about nine,  the weatherwas(be) lovely。Itwas(be) sunny and warm.  Therewere(be) a great number of people in the park。Wetook(take) a walk along the lake。Thenwent(go)to see an exhibition in one of the buildings。welooked(Look) at de flowerrs andwatched(watch) the children  play,  wehad(have) a good time. Itwas (be)nearly three a clock when wegot(get) back to school.


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