
作者: 鼠姑娘 | 来源:发表于2019-04-30 04:28 被阅读4次


鸟人:Ummmm it’s not 7.

我:Schedule change. She had breakfast and brushed teeth. They had shower yesterday.

Please find Lele’s US birthday certificate and copy your passport picture page and your China visa page. You are welcome to use the printer downstairs. Next Tuesday Chicago trip.

鸟人:Schedule change and let me know at the last minute?  Ok that’s how we can do things then, you better have May 12 taken off because I’m leaving early.  I will copy all of the documents on MY time not yours.

我:She usually doesn’t get up that early. May 12 I am off. Just a reminder in case you don’t have time to do copies when you work. You usually do things at the very last minute, this time I can not “afford” any mistakes.

鸟人:Then give me something and I will do it right away.


我:You have all the documents.

By the way, please give Sisi some yoghurt during the weekend. She was crying when pooping last Sunday night.

鸟人:That’s not what I meant so either you are really dumb or playing dumb, either way you will have the docs when I get them.




鸟人:Something to say?

我:So you are still asking to have sex with me? I wish I misunderstood. Look, as I said, you are my past, I don’t have any feelings to you any more, you keep thinking like this, I am very upset. To be honest, every time I see you playing with the kids, I am happy for our kids, but that is the only thing I feel happy about you. I would give my best wish to your future and your love if you respect me as I ask and be nice. I think I was very nice to you until you bothered me again and again. I could screenshot what you said  and send them to your girlfriend, I could call police, but I did not do either. I hope you understand why. 1st, you are kids father, I don’t want kids to lose their father. 2nd, I love your mother, I don’t want to break her heart. 3rd, I can not really hate a man I slept with. Please, don’t push me to hate you.

鸟人:I didn’t ask for anything, and good luck with whatever evidence you think you might have

鸟人:And please don’t try to “threaten” me, I don’t want to be here and I don’t want you in my family at all... but this is what it is.

Oh and you are paying for me for the time I miss work right + gas?





我:See, you are mean again! I am not threatening you, I am just telling you I care about Mom, you and our kids. It is you and what you are doing make me so upset and frustrated. No, I am not paying the time you miss for work, you said you are taking us to a Chicago. Yes, I will pay gas. If you change your mind, I will pay Dad to take us there, with the documents I have, plus Lele US Birth Certificate, I will see I and Lele s luck. If we fail, I give up China visit plan which I dream for years, I and Lele both will be very frustrated and unhappy. I will tell my family and my friends I don’t have any others choices. I m not going nowhere then, so there won’t any exchange for watching kids, you need pay me money for watching kids in the weekends and child support during your absence. I know, you don’t care about me. Why you care about me? Care if I smile or cry? You just want to make yourself happy. I really don’t know how to deal with you. You are lonely for now, but you are getting together with your girl friend, I don’t know why you are doing this to me? You don’t care what I say, if I say nice you think something wrong, if I say straight, you get back to your mean. Thinking for the kids, that is the only reason I choose to stay there. And you don’t have right to say, I leave or stay. I pay more rent than you do.


鸟人:I’m not here to read all that and neither do I care like I said... you do what you want and when you want.  Nothing you will say moves me, and I never said I would do this trip for free because I need pay for paper copies of the documents, the parking in Chicago, the tolls on the way down there.  So I propose $120 and I’ll gladly take you down there without saying a dam word.  And you watch the kids for two weeks, you will be gone a month so you fucking pay me then if you want me to pay you, don’t play those games with me Sofia...  also, I doubt you pay more then me for rent here, because I know you pay less then 300, stop complaining and thinking you are something special.


我:I will pay you 120$ and your lunch in Chicago (Not fancy one). Thank you.


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