点上香薰 在气味里 旋转到你想去的地方
播放音乐 在旋律里 舞蹈到身体最放松的方向
在一样的天空里面 黎明和黄昏都有魔力
任由想象 自由地呼吸 森林 雨林 原野 海洋
还要有一点点 和别人不一样的色彩
才能 点亮平凡生活里最鲜活的模样
Ola chica
You got that fuego, fuego and you know I need ya
Girl right now I need to see ya
Go upstairs and we can drink some o' that sangria
Babe it's too true
Every guy up in this club is looking at you
I know I'm a little shy and ain't got tattoos
But I'ma try my luck and holla at you
You got that big, big bubble butt
Better keep my mouth shut
I'll just watch you do your thing
Sippin' on that pink champagne,
Dance in that oversized 1980's Rolling Stones t-shirt
You're too hot just like the middle of a summer
And I really wanna see you under covers
Take you there better than any other lover
If I don't see you
Walking out the door just know that I didn't mean to
Say 'hello' before you left and that I think you
Should hit my line some time
And you're super fine
主题: 摩洛哥风情写真
类别:写真摄影 | 人像摄影 | 环境摄影 | 店铺摄影
风格:低饱、 过曝、文艺、情绪