Breaking up is always in the rai

作者: 鲜宇夫 | 来源:发表于2019-03-28 20:28 被阅读23次

    The rainy season in the south of the Yangtze River  always makes people confused

    The same sky under the rainy season, you are not you, I am not me, we are not ourselves

    Had known the end like this, why did fate let us meet

    Fate always jokes when it matters most 

    Because you like the rainy season, also because you like to drink tea alone in the rainy season

    Raindrops make people wake up, raindrops are equally heartbreaking

    Rain can wash the footprints on the road, how can you erase the marks in my heart

    You said that let me forget everything, who can do it and forget it

    With a glass of red wine on a rainy night, feel the whole years are drunk

    The familiar music is ringing, it turns out that our youth is like this

    Far from regret, at least once happy belong to myself

    Actually, I still feel a little sad, you have left nothing, leaving without a word

    I used to like a bar, a cigar and a glass of ice beer, a lonely night in a foreign country

    You like a breeze, gently come, gently leave, is this young ignorance should have taste

    Because of the rainy season, I miss you especially, it is also in the rainy season, we go all the way

    Wine on rainy nights is especially intoxicating, scenes of the past and scenes of sadness



        本文标题:Breaking up is always in the rai
