

作者: 1a78f0a15ff2 | 来源:发表于2017-11-04 09:11 被阅读0次



安装 app1.需要的时候 2.老师要求3.别人推荐    推荐app 1.觉得十分有用 2.适合别人

.阅读一篇以上ecommerce  innovate相关英文文章,按最新要求列出相关内容

E-Commerce Innovations - What's Now and What's Next

The main idea is that  explore nine such innovative advancements, both tactile and process-driven, that are present in today's interactive sphere, in the context of companies that have employed them. First,the article introducing video solutions and customer service.Then,telling something about real-world guided and selling multi-store. Nest,introducing retailing user-Interface design and navigation tools. Finally,telling effective merchandising and social shopping and customer loyalty .Most importantly, don't be left behind by a fear of the unknown. Embrace innovation, and see where it takes you.

关键词:evolution 革命   retailers零售商   clickable 可以点击的   initiaten. 开始;新加入者,接受初步知识者  outfit 机构;用具;全套装备  Merchandising推销;销售规划  Loyalty 忠诚;忠心;忠实;忠于…感情 specifically 特别地;明确地  incorporating v. 合并(incorporate的ing形式)

adj. 合并的




餐饮美食 天猫  :  资金: 专卖店保证金为人民币5万元  “电子票务凭证” 及“话费通信”大类的保证金为人民币1万元 专卖店店铺保证金为人民币1万元 餐饮美食软件服务费费率0.50%软件服务年费(元)30,000    资料:1.选择店铺类型/品牌/类目2.填写品牌信息3.填写企业信息4.店铺命名  1企业营业执照扫描件 2银行开户许可证扫描件 3法定代表人身份证正反面扫描件 4联系人身份证正反面扫描件5商家向支付宝公司出具的授权书6一般纳税人资质7由国家商标总局颁发的商标注册证或商标注册申请受理通知书扫描件8《食品流通许可证》或《食品经营许可证》9全国工业产品生产许可证

京东  资料:企业营业执照 税务登记证 组织机构代码证 法人身份证正反面 一般纳税人资格证 银行开户行许可证 普通授权书 食品流通许可证/食品经营许可证 全国工业生产许可证/食品生产许可证 有机食品认证证书 销售授权书 质检、检疫、检验报告 卫生/生产许可证    资金: 平台使用费1000元  保证金50000元


钢铁制造业   找中国贸易网

  中国贸易网 是一个企业对企业 (B2B) 的国际贸易信息平台,中国贸易网作为大中华地区进出口贸易的主要促进者,为专业买家提供优质供应商产品信息,同时也为供应商提供全面的国际市场推广服务 , 同时将凭借雄厚的技术实力和丰富的开发经验,融合领先 的理念和敏锐的市场意识,为各行业企业提供从互联网营销到企业信息门户的一体化服务。以一流的技术、一流的管理为客户提供一流的服务。



B2B refers to a situation where one business makes a commercial transaction with another. it is often the case that the parties to the relationship have comparablenegotiatingpower, and even when they do not, each party typically involves professional staff and legal counsel in the negotiation of terms.  And "Matesourcing" refers to the phenomenon where businesses seek business support from family and friends rather than obtaining business services from other businesses on a commercial basis.

关键词:inline内联的;联机的  citation  引用;表扬;(法律)传票  commercial transaction 买卖,交易;商业行为 information asymmetry 信息不对称 commissione理事;委员;行政长官;总裁r paymentn. 付款,支付;报酬,报答;偿还;惩罚,报应



B2C is business or transactions conducted directly between a company and consumers who are the end-users of its products or services.It is among the most popular and widely known of sales models.Businesses that rely on B2C sales must maintain good relations with their customers to ensure they come back.Decades after the e-commerce boom, B2C companies are continuing to eye a new growing market.Become a day traderin less than a day.

关键词:dotcom达康(公司名);网站  bust破产;半身像;萧条;胸部  capital首都,省会;资金;大写字母;资本家  e-commerce boom电商繁荣    marketing campaign营销活动    industry disruptor工业破坏者



C2C markets provide an innovative way to allow customers to interact with each other.electronic commerce involves the electronically facilitated transactions between consumers through some third party.It is the creation of a product or service with the specific promotional strategy being for consumers to share that product or service with others as brandadvocatesbased on the value of the product. When an item is listed on a C2C site, a nonrefundable insertion fee is charged based on the seller's opening bid on the item.

关键词:origin起源;原点;出身;开端  business model 商业模式  product or service产品与服务 communication 沟通  advertising打广告 advantage好处 disadvantages坏处  Internet auction网上拍卖  Internet classifieds网上的分类广告



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