今天的热搜去年就有了|A Monet Sells for $

今天的热搜去年就有了|A Monet Sells for $

作者: 来而不可失者时也 | 来源:发表于2021-08-18 17:53 被阅读0次



A  Monet sells for $110.7 million an auction high for an impressionist work.

After eight minutes of heated competition color more night, 1890 painting meals sold for $110.7 million on Tuesday an auction high for the artist and the most ever for any impressionist work according to  Sauce beans in  New York, which handled the sale.

The final price doubled the works precaution estimate of $55 million and it was the 9th most expensive painting ever sold at an international auction house.

The  canvas sold by an anonymous collector was 1 of 25 miles paintings moonlight made in 1890 and 1891 in the fields next to his home in  Evening French. The series is of particular art historical importance being the first time moonlight systematically evoked the same subject in differing differing atmosphere conditions.

It was one of only it left in private hands and the rest are in museums, a similar painting from the series was sold at auction in 2016 for $81.4 million.

More nice serious paintings are among the most true trophies奖杯 that can generate real excitement at auctions of impressionist and modern art. Such museum quality works by impressionist now rarely appear at auction.


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      本文标题:今天的热搜去年就有了|A Monet Sells for $
