

作者: 嬉节 | 来源:发表于2020-05-25 12:03 被阅读0次


Chatting with new friend, she showed a word: deffo

deffo: definitely; certainly. --> informal expression

eg. "Tyler is by far the best—he should deffo win" --- "Deffo am so excited to see you both on Friday~"

1. Legal Brief

🧡 Tips for overcoming apathy during pandemic

apathy: lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

extension: fatigue ---> review 20200518

🧡 Feds ask SCOTUS to deny petition over border wall waivers

petition: n. a formal written request, typically one signed by many people, appealing to authority with respect to a particular cause. 请愿书

waiver: n. --> review 20200519 

2. Produce Industry SmartBrief

🧡 Growers grapple with a glut of seed potatoes

grapple: v. When you wrestle with something — literally or figuratively — you grapple with it, or try to overcome it.

in this sentense, it means to struggle with something.

intersting definition helps to remember this word:  If you think about how awkward it would be to harvest grapes, with the individual grapes ready to scatter everywhere, it makes sense that grapple eventually evolved to include a verb form used to describe struggling with something unruly. You might grapple with a budget shortfall, grapple for answers, grapple with a wrestling opponent, or grapple with a new technology.

a glut of: too much of something.

eg. A glut of gas in the marketplace can lower its price. 

🧡 Layoff Roundup: Manufacturer permanently cuts chunk of workforce, hotels lay off hundreds

layoff: ---> review 20200518 遣散

roundup: a systematic gathering together of people or things. 回顾

3. SmartBrief on Small Business

🧡 N.Y. announces sales tax reprieve extension for small businesses

reprieve: v. a cancellation or postponement of a punishment.

🧡 Position your agency as an "indispensable resource"

indispensable: adj. absolutely necessary.

4. ILHA SmartBrief  [International Luxury Hotel Association]

🧡 Travel industry's summer dreams ripped at the seams

rip: v. tear or pull (something) quickly or forcibly away from something or someone.

seam: 缝

ripped at the seams 有梦想破碎了的意思

🧡 Hotel marketing yearns for more than inspiration

yearn: have an intense feeling of longing for something, typically something that one has lost or been separated from.

🧡 Hotel sales take hiatus as "never seen" before

hiatus: a pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process.  中断


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