【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 3 Unit 2 Part 4 (II)Vocabulary: Executive Roles
CEO abbr. 首席执行官;执行总裁(chief executive officer)
CEO stands for Chief Executive Officer.
A CEO is the highest-ranking executive in a company.【跟读】
A CEO is responsible for setting a company's direction and business goals.
COO abbr. 首席运营官(Chief Operating Officer)
COO means Chief Operating Officer.
A COO is often the second highest-ranking executive in a company.
In large companies, a COO manages day-to-day operations for the CEO.【填空】【朗读】
But the COO's role depends on the CEO's management style.
CFO abbr. 首席财务官(Chief Finance Officer)
CFO stands for Chief Financial Officer.
A CFO manages a company's financial activities.
A CFO decides how a company spends its money and uses its resources.
The CFO may also work with the CEO to set a company's business goals.【跟读】
【选择】-Who decides how a company spends its money? -a CFO.
CPO abbr. 首席产品官(Chief Product Officer)
CPO means Chief Product Officer.
A CPO makes decisions about product-related matters.
The CPO is in charge of product innovation, production, and management.
CTO abbr. 首席技术官(Chief Technology Officer)
CTO means Chief Technology Officer.
A CTO is responsible for the management of a company's research and development.
They focus on a company's scientific and technological issues.
【选择】-What does a CTO make decisions about? -issues related to a product
【选择】-In large companies, a COO is in charge of... managing a company's daily operations
【选择】-Who is responsible for product management? -the CPO.
【选择】-What is the CTO responsible for? -A company's technology.
【选择】-Who sets a company's direction and business goals? -the CEO.
【选图】-Who manages daily operations in a large company? -COO
【选图】-Who is responsible for product innovation? -the CPO.
【跟读】They make decisions about a company's products.