原则8 与客户/用户沟通

原则8 与客户/用户沟通

作者: 虫虫侠 | 来源:发表于2018-09-05 21:01 被阅读0次

principle 8 : communicate with customers/users

Never lose sight of why software is being developed:to satisfy real needs,to solve real problems.The only way to solve real needs is to communicate with those who have the needs.The customer or user is the most important person involved with your project.If you are a commercial developer, talk often with the clients.Keep them involved.Sure, it is easier to develop software in a vacuum, but will the customer like the result?If you’re a producer of shrinkwrap software,”customers”are harder to locate during development.So role-play.Designate three or four individuals in your organization as prospective customers and tap them for ideas that will keep them as customers or make them happy.If you’re a government contractor, talk often with the contracting officers, their technical representatives, and, if possible, the users.People and situations change often in the government.the only way to keep up with the change is communication.Ignoring the changes may make life seem easier in the short term, but the final system will not be useful.




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      本文标题:原则8 与客户/用户沟通
