

作者: 书中的电脑 | 来源:发表于2021-06-01 00:22 被阅读0次


1. This exercise is very easy done.

2. How many square feet is there in a floor twenty feet long and sixteen feet wide?

3. In France cheap wood is made to perfectly imitate mahogany.

4. The great historian and the essayist is no more.

5. It could not have been her.

6. Did you see the man and the dog which passed this way?

7. I intend to immediately retire from business.

8. I think I will return home next week.

9. The death was announced lately of the great statesman.

10. Who are you looking for?

11. The collection of books that have come down to us from that period are very valuable.

12. I expected to have been at home when you called.

13. It was him and me that were chosen to go.

14. When will we three meet again?

15. He not only ought, but must succeed.

16. I never saw it rain so heavy before.

17. His work is one of the best that has ever appeared.

18. It has been said that politics are but little more than common-sense.

19. Metal types were now introduced, which before this time had been made of wood.

20. No man ever bestowed such a gift. to his kind.


1. Each strives to get ahead of the other in their own little craft.

2. Her father and her rode about the country.

3. I would like to know whose hat this is.

4. Of what gender are each of the following nouns?

5. He now began his work in earnest.

6. One of the greatest evils which now oppresses Franco is the want of a high moral tone among her people.

7. If he plunge into the sea, he feels the law that defies the boundaries of his perfect liberty.

8. I meant to have written to you last Friday.

9. Who did you say you met this morning?

10. They have neither occasion for beauty, money, or good conduct.

11. This is one of the most memorable battles that ever have or will be fought.

12. I trust you shall overlook the circumstance of me having come to school late.

13. What is the difference between an adjective and participle?

14. These flowers smell very sweetly and look beautifully.

15. Have you no other book but this?

16. He is only fitted to govern others who can govern himself.

17. The spirit, and not the letter, of the law are what we ought to follow.

18. The man could neither read or write.

19. The Book of Psalms were written by David.

20. That building must be either a church or school.


1. The two are here compared with one another.

2. It has taken man thousands of years to in part discover the laws of nature.

3. This we will have occasion to see illustrated hereafter.

4. Mary, for all her anxious words, was not so sure as me.

5. The past has now began to renew its quaint existence.

6. Our words would look very oddly to us in a phonetic dress.

7. Such a club has other merits besides those that are intellectual.

8. I can read as well as her, but she sings better than me.

9. This incident, though it appears improbable, yet I cannot doubt the author's veracity.

10. I had the physician, the surgeon, and the apothecary's assistance.

11. It was Peter the Hermit, him that incited the crusade.

12. Here come my old friend and teacher.

13. The minute finger and the hour hand has each its particular 四e.

14. Which of that group of men is the taller?

15. What boy amongst us can foretell their future career?

16. An account of the great events in all parts of the world are given in the daily papers.

17. If I were in his position,I would not have gone.

18. They would neither eat themselves nor suffer nobody else to eat.

19. Did you expect to have heard so poor a speech?

20. I cannot give you no more money.


1. We did no more but what we ought to.

2. We have done no more than it was our duty to have done.

3. He is a man of remarkable clear intellect.

4. He showed me two kinds, but I did not buy any of them.

5. Everyone is the best judge of their own conscience.

6. They told me of him having failed.

7. He has already, and will continue to receive many honors.

8. One species of bread of coarse quality was only allowed to be backed.

9. The party whom he invited was very numerous.

10. The doctor said in his lecture that fever always produced thirst.

11. The Annals of Florence are a most imposing work.

12. Such expressions sound harshly.

13. What can be the course of the Parliament neglecting so important a business?

14. Either you or I are in the way.

15. He would not be persuaded but what I was greatly in fault.

16. I do not think that leisure of life and tranquillity of mind, which fortune and your own wisdom has given you, could be better employed.

17. The fact of me being a stranger to him does not justify his conduct.

18. Let me awake the King of Morven, he that is like the sun of heaven rising in a storm.

19. The nation was ruined by the profligacy of their nobles.

20. Ruth and I, and you too, must answer for yourselves.


1. Either the young man or his guardian have 11cted improperly.

2. The following treatise, together with those that accompany it, were written many years ago.

3. A talent of this kind would prove the likeliest of any other to succeed.

4. On your conduct at this moment depends the color and complexion of their destiny.

5. That is either a man or a woman's voice.

6. Man, though he has great variety of thoughts, yet they are all within his own breast.

7. The ebb and flow of the tides were explained by Newton.

8. And indeed in some cases we derive as much or more pleasure from that source than from anything else.

9. The number of inhabitants were not more than four millions.

10. The logical and historical analysis of a language generally in some degree coincides.

11. But she fell a-laughing like one out of their right mind.

12. Verse and prose run into one another like light and shade.

13. Homer had the greatest Invention of any writer whatever.

14. Of all the other qualities of style, clearness is the most important.

15. Gold is heavier and more valuable than any metal.

16. In him were happily blended true dignity with softness of manners.

17. The saint, the father, and the husband pray.

18. These verses were written by a young man who has long lain in his grave, for his own amusement.

19. The Atlantic Ocean separates the eastern and western continent.

20. A second deluge learning thus o'errun,

And the monks finished what the Goths begun.

来源:<<英语文法和写作>> William Swinton,1879 年版。



