篇目:2018.5.12 The $100 billion bet
1. Two years ago, if you had asked experts to identify the most influential person in technology, you would have heard some familiar names: Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Alibaba’s Jack Ma or Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. Today there is a new contender: Masayoshi Son.
2. He has notched up some triumphs in his career, including an early bet on Alibaba. But his dotcom-era investments mean he is also the person to have lost more money than anyone else in the history.
“notch up”意为“取得”,而且通常指取得某些成就。重点在于前后两句的对比,在肯定孙正义成就的同时指出人无完人。值得注意的是“dotcom-era investments”这一表达。牛津词典将“dot-com”这一词解释为“a company that sells goods and services on the Internet, especially one whose address ends ‘.comʼ”,不难理解,“dotcom-era”就是“电商时代的”,而在其他和dot-com相关的表达中,我们可以用“dot-com millionaire”来表示在电商方面收益极高、影响力巨大的人物。
3. This combination of gargantuanism, grandiosity and guaranteed payouts may end up in financial disaster.
这里使用了一种叫头韵(alliteration)的修辞手法,联合多个首字母或首字母发音相同、意思相近的词,通过增加语言的艺术感吸引读者的注意力。gargantuanism与形容词“gargantuan”挂钩,表示“巨大”这一特征,grandiosity与gargantuanism相比则多了一丝贬义的感觉,虽然也有“很大、令人印象深刻”的意思,但更倾向于过于繁复、耗资过高,显得强大却不可行的“巨大”,与后句“the giddy top of the tech boom”中的giddy top相对应,也对应了“payout(大量金额)”。