- 聚类:1,000,000个不同的基因找到一种方式自动将这些基因分成以不同变量分开的相似几组
- 非聚类:鸡尾酒派对算法,在混乱环境中找到结构,从各种不同声音中辨别独立的人声和音乐https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocktail_party_effect
Q: Why do we have to use Matlab or Octave? Why not Clojure, Julia, Python, R or [Insert favourite language here]?A: As Prof. Ng explained in the 1st video of the Octave tutorial, he has tried teaching Machine Learning in a variety of languages, and found that students come up to speed faster with Matlab/Octave. Therefore the course was designed using Octave/Matlab, and the automatic submission grader uses those program interfaces. Octave and Matlab are optimized for rapid vectorized calculations, which is very useful in Machine Learning. R is a nice tool, but:
- It is a bit too high level. This course shows how to actually implement the algorithms of machine learning, while R already has them implemented. Since the focus of this course is to show you what happens in ML algorithms under the hood, you need to use Octave 2. This course offers some starter code in Octave/Matlab, which will really save you tons of time solving the tasks.
3.Q: My quiz grade displayed is wrong or I have a verification issue or I cannot retake a quiz. What should I do? A: Contact Help Center. These queries can only be resolved by learner support and it is best if they are contacted directly.