6月晨读 day4

6月晨读 day4

作者: 琢石喵 | 来源:发表于2019-06-08 04:51 被阅读0次

Day 3 作业反馈

bite the bullet, decision, latest, mess

重音:wishy-washy, project, tough call 

细节: eating 【d】 great


节奏、语调、重音 【笔记、听音、读音】

共性问题:1 元音过短 2 速度太快 3. 词不准

改进方案:Eric 示范,夸张版本; 先听后读,对着手机练习; 互相伤害共同成长

Day 4


What...are you looking for? 

nuts/crazy/ out of their minds

have a can-do attitude (a positive attitude )

roll up one's sleeves= get ready to start sth; to prepare to do sth

give it one's best shot= make one's best effort 

nothing ventured, nothing gained

call it quits= give up/ throw in the towel 

get down to the business = start work; begin discussing important issues

不接地气 out of touch with reality

out of place 不对劲儿

out of reach 不容易接近

忙成狗,结果不尽人意: We've been working our tails off and our results are still lousy. 

butt (tails)

I am on board with you / count me in= to participate 

cover a lot of grounds = discuss many topics

Just my two cents 依鄙人之见

in a nutshell= in summary

That's putting it lightly 说得太委婉了

circle back to = return to


两个形容词连在一起 第一个清楚点 语调上扬,第二个平,名词 降调

He wants us to come up with the new, improved formulas for all 50 of our shampoos. 

adj + N 重读名词 



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      本文标题:6月晨读 day4
