

作者: 張蕾馥 | 来源:发表于2020-02-02 12:01 被阅读0次

#1 Purificatory Health Benefits of Turmeric

#1 净化身体

Turmeric purifies the blood and brings translucence to your energies. Turmeric not only works on the physiology, but also has a big impact on your energy system. It purifies the blood, body, and energy system. For external purification, just take a small pinch of turmeric, put it into a bucket of water and pour it over your body – you will see, the body will be vibrant and glowing.


#2 Anti-phlegm Health Benefits ofTurmeric

#2 祛痰

If you avoid all dairy products, your phlegm will go down naturally.


#3 Anti-cancer Health Benefits ofTurmeric

#3 抗癌

Cancer is not a disease, it’s your own body working against you; certain cells have turned against you. Periodic cleansing of the body is good to prevent this from happening. Consumption of turmeric on an empty stomach is a very effective cleanser.


#4 Benefits of Turmeric for Yogic Sadhana

#4 利于瑜伽练习

Everything you borrow from the earth, including your body, has a certain inertia. It is important to be conscious of this and to keep the inertia levels at the minimum. When we gauge whether your sadhana is working or not by looking at how much you sleep andhow alert you are, we are checking how much inertia you generate. The inertia levels will increase if the body does not allow a certain amount of energy toenter the cellular level. Neem and turmeric as a combination dilate the cellular structure of the body in such a way that it allows energy to enter and fill up every crevice. Neem and turmeric are a physical support towards that,but sadhana itself does it too.



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