今天是大师游戏第104天星期一, 继续读Treya的故事, 今天Treya教给我们的是热情的平静.
This is the way things are. We'll do the best we can and take what comes. No
way to predict, no need to hold on, no use in craving a particular outcome and feeling aversion to another, that only leads to suffering.
一方面我们全力以赴地追求我们想要的生活, 另一方面我们又全然接纳任何结果, 对结果的执着是一切痛苦的来源.
At this moment in church, kneeling before the masses of candles flickering in the soft gloom, the only thing I could think of that gives life meaning is helping other people. Service, in a word. Things like spiritual growth or enlightenment seemed like nothing more than concepts. Full development of one's potential also
seemed trite and egocentric unless it leads (as it often does) to ideas or
creations that help relieve suffering.
此时此刻, 我跪在教堂里, 眼前摇曳着温柔光芒的蜡烛, 我仿佛想到了生命的意义,生命的意义在于帮忙他人, 在于减少他人的痛苦,增加他人的快乐.
It suddenly occurred to me that our normal understanding of what passion means is loaded with the idea of clinging, of wanting something or someone, of fearing losing them, of possessiveness. What if you had passion without all that stuff, passion without attachment, passion clean and pure? What would that be like, what would that mean? I thought of those moments in meditation when I've felt my heart open, a painfully wonderful sensation, a passionate feeling but without clinging to any content or person or thing. And the two words suddenly coupled in my mind and made a whole. Passionate equanimity, passionate equanimity- to be fully passionate about all aspects of life, about one's relationship with spirit, to care to the depths of one's being but with no trace of clinging or holding, that's what the phrase has come to mean to me. It feels full, rounded, complete, and challenging.
热情和平静看上去是矛盾的两个词语, 但是Treya把它们整合到了一起, 热情的是对美好生命的向往和追求, 平静的是可以接受生命中出现的任何结果, 可以放下对结果的依恋和追求.
Work hard without attachment to results!, that's my motto.