For prospective fashion students who haven’t yet decided which part of the industry they’d like to work within, there are lots of undergraduate fashion degrees which offer a broad introduction to different aspects of the fashion sector. Meanwhile, for those who’ve already identified their ideal fashion career, there are also lots of more specialized fashion degrees. For example, you could choose an entire degree focusing on fashion photography, fashion design, fashion management or marketing, fashion PR or journalism, fashion buying – or another part of the industry.
对于那些还没决定在哪个行业工作的未来的时装专业学生来说, 有很多时装本科专业为学生介绍时装行业的各个方面。而对于那些已经确定了自己时装职业理想的人来说,也有很多专业的时装学位(可供选择)。如,您可以选择读一个完整学位,专注于时装摄影、时装设计、时装管理或营销、时装公关或新闻、时装采购等领域。

If you choose to study a general fashion course, you will learn about each stage involved in the fashion design process, from initial concept to the realization of a catwalk or store collection and the creation of an accompanying PR or advertising campaign. Possible modules included in your degree may include pattern-cutting and garment production, illustration, concept development and communication, drawing, trend forecasting, and fashion business and marketing.

The US is one of the most dominant locations in the QS World University Rankings by Subject, and the art school ranking is no exception. It’s home to 41 of the world’s top art schools, including five of the top 10. Outside the top 10 above, other strong universities for this subject include Art Center College of Design (ranked 13th), Stanford University (joint 14th) and Carnegie Mellon University (17th).

Bachelor’s level (BA) fashion degrees usually last three or four years, while a master’s lasts one or two years. Teaching will include lectures, seminars, practical workshops and in some cases guest speakers from the industry. Some fashion courses offer work placements towards the end of the course, allowing students to gain experience of working on real-life fashion projects. Assessment methods usually include examinations, individual and team projects, presentations and group critiques.

Possible modules included in your degree may include pattern-cutting and garment production, illustration, concept development and communication, drawing, trend forecasting, and fashion business and marketing.“included in your degree”是一个省略了which的定语从句,完整句子为“Possible modules(which) included in your degree may include …”。
If you choose to study a general fashion course, you will learn about each stage involved in the fashion design process, from initial concept to the realization of a catwalk or store collection and the creation of an accompanying PR or advertising campaign.1.句子前半句为if引导的条件状语从句,对主句的前提做出说明;2. from…to… 从…到…,从最初概念到时装表演商店收藏;3.后半句整体框架是and 连接的并列句。

QS世界大学排名(QS World University Rankings)是由英国一家国际教育市场咨询公司Quacquarelli Symonds(中文名:夸夸雷利•西蒙兹公司)所发表的年度世界大学排名。QS公司最初与英国《泰晤士高等教育增刊》共同发布排名,该排名是历史第二悠久的全球大学排名,第一次发布于2004年;2009年后,QS和泰晤士高等教育终止合作,两者从2010年开始发表各自的世界大学排名,QS全球教育集团一般每年夏季会进行排名更新。2010年起,QS世界大学排名得到了联合国教科文组织欧洲高等教育研究中心、上海交通大学高等教育研究院等机构倡导成立的“大学排名国际专家组(International Ranking Expert Group)”建立的“IREG-学术排名与卓越国际协会”承认,是参与机构最多、世界影响范围最广的排名之一,与泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名、USNews世界大学排名、世界大学学术排名被公认为四大较为权威的世界大学排名。

艺术中心设计学院(Art Center College of Design)简称ACCD,1930年成立是一所依托现代设计为基础的和艺术设计行业紧密相关的艺术学院。Art Center致力于培养以视觉艺术为职业的工作者以及艺术家。是美国最著名的设计学校之一。它要求新生入学之前有一定的设计经验或者有有其他大学的学历,所以学生的平均年龄偏高,本科生的平均年龄为23岁。 ACCD是所在世界上非常著名的设计院校,和世界很多大型的企业有着密切的合作,包括ADOBE,耐克,环球电影公司,现代,索尼,诺基亚以及奥迪等。学生有非常便利的条件在上学期间就可以接触这些未来可能的雇主和客户。学校也经常邀请著名的艺术家和专业人士来校讲座并与学生交流。该大学是美国目前在设计上最权威的学院,其汽车和交通工具设计系、数码设计专业、插画系、平面设计系、娱乐设计等,在全世界具有领先水平。

