

作者: 思求彼得赵 | 来源:发表于2022-10-06 10:48 被阅读0次

    Young, Indi. Practical empathy: For collaboration and creativity in your work. Rosenfeld Media, 2015.

    Exhibit Understanding
    Instead of Competence
    Here is a story about an emperor in ancient China. He attracted many
    people to his court who wanted to share the distinction of shaping
    the future of the land. These court members vied for the emperor’s
    attention, competing with each other to suggest more magnificent
    ideas and, incidentally, to bring trade and projects to the people who
    were his friends outside of court. The emperor bestowed his con-
    sideration on one after another court member, intrigued with each
    person’s idea because it matched his desires precisely and seemed
    so clear and risk-free. But either the idea produced disappointing
    results, or the court member would be defamed by others before the
    idea came to fruition.
    One member did not present any ideas to the emperor. Others chided
    him for his lack of inventiveness and warned that he would soon lose
    his position. Instead, he sat and listened to the emperor talk about
    the prosperity of his people and the increase in production from the
    land. One afternoon, the court and the emperor were discussing a
    project to build a structure that would reach into the heavens, taller
    than any other building in the land. Court members were arguing
    about how to engineer the foundation and how they might build each
    level to support the next. To the surprise of everybody in the room,
    the quiet member spoke up.
    “The purpose of this building is to allow the emperor to be closer to
    the heavens?” Yes, everyone agreed; the purpose is to symbolize the
    glory and wisdom of the emperor.
    “The purpose is to build a structure that will demonstrate the
    wisdom of the emperor?”
    The emperor gazed fixedly at the member and nodded.
    The member continued, “The emperor’s wisdom has provided a
    fertile land for his people, who grow in numbers. Let him extend
    the lands which are fertile and increase the magnitude of trade by
    constructing the largest canal and reservoir system for irrigation and
    The room was silent, shocked by the mundane idea. But a smile spread
    slowly across the face of the emperor as he thought through what the
    idea would mean for the prosperity of his people. He pointed to the
    member and said, “This is what we will build instead.”

    Within all sorts of organizations, many people are thinking, “I want
    a seat at the table so I can tell the leaders what they should really
    be doing.” With an empathetic mindset, you let go of that need to
    change others or to demonstrate your competence. Instead, you listen for the deeper reasoning and philosophies within other people. Together, you explore these deeper currents and work out better solutions.
    Because you’ve formed an unequivocal understanding of purpose, the results are more likely to be marvelous.

    具有真同理心的下属,愿意去认真倾听,理解皇帝的真实想法,他深知这一切是为了“The purpose is to build a structure that will demonstrate the
    wisdom of the emperor?”
    即,为了向天下人彰显皇上的智慧。因此,他建议皇帝兴修水利,开挖大运河,建造大水库,浇灌更多的良田,促进更多的贸易往来。(Let him extend the lands which are fertile and increase the magnitude of trade by constructing the largest canal and reservoir system for irrigation and transportation.)



