On Writing Well Day 18 Revision

On Writing Well Day 18 Revision

作者: MollyAllez | 来源:发表于2017-11-19 20:07 被阅读0次

    I. Words & Expressions

    ##southpaw  n. If you're left-handed, you can call yourself a southpaw. If you're also a baseball fan, you may admire southpaws like the famous left-handed pitcher Sandy Koufax.

    ##portsider n. a left-handed person

    ##lanky n. tall and thin and having long slender limbs (瘦而高)

    ##chunky n. short and thick; as e.g. having short legs and heavy musculature(矮而厚实)

    ##flunk (informal)[美] v. fail to get a passing grade

    eg. Tony flunked the test.     

        Tom flunked out if the college. (因考试不及格而被迫退学)

    ##prodigy  n. an unusually gifted or intelligent (young) person

    eg. Mozart was a musical prodigy.

    ##rub off

    1. (wear away) 磨损

    eg. Jack rubbed the mud off his face.

    2. if a feeling,quality or habit rubs off on you, you start to have it because you are with another person who has it. (感染、影响)

    eg. She refused to give up, and her confidence has rubbed off on others.

    ##a whiff of  一点点,些许

    eg. When I was walking around the street at night, I felt a whiff of danger.

    ##trot out

    bring out and show for inspection and admiration  (非正式)重复翻出(老一套的借口和理由)

    eg. Steve trotted out the same excuse.


    eg. He trotted off and came back a couple of minutes, holding a book.


    Something that's gaudy is showy, bright and definitely tacky. 花哨的

    eg. She often wears some guady jewleries.

    ##quirky adj.    informal terms; strikingly unconventional 稀奇古怪的

    eg. I like his quirky sense of humor.

    ##lunacy  n. (madness)  Lunacy is acting silly or stupid.

    eg. It's lunacy to go out in the snow wearing those flip flops!

    ##simmer  n. temperature just below the boiling point 文火炖、慢慢沸腾的状态

    eg. Bring the vegetables to a simmer.

    v. boil slowly at low temperature(用文火)慢慢地煮、炖

    eg. Usually when you're making a soup, you want to bring it to a boil and then let itsimmer, cooking it just below the boiling point to get all the flavors to release.

    v. if you are simmering with anger,or if anger is simmering in you,you feel very angry but do not show your feelings 内心充满(怒火)、(愤怒)积聚

    eg. He was left simmering with rage.

    v. if argument is simmering, people feel angry with each other but only show it slightly (争吵)酝酿 、即将爆发

    eg. Violent revolt was simmering in the country.

    #simmer down

    to become calm again after you have been very angry(盛怒后)平静下来

    eg. We decided she needed some time to simmer down.

    ##wing  wing its/ their way to/across

    #wing it

    (spoken)to do something without planning or preparing it 临时凑成、即席而为

    eg. We just have to wing it.

    II. Summary & Reflection

    Part A Summary

    ##Science and Technology

    three elements:

    1.Use your own experience to connect the reader

    2.Weave a scientific story around someone else

    3.Relate unfamiliar facts to the sights they are familiar with

    ##Business Writing

    Be yourself when you write


    1.Observe closely.

    2.Interview in depth.

    3.Listen to old-timers.

    4.Ponder the change.

    5.Write well.

    ##Writing about the Arts

    1.Critics should love the medium they are reviewing

    2.Don’t give away too much of the plot

    3.Use specific detail; avoid the ecstatic adjectives

    ##Humor: Humor is the secret weapon of the nonfiction writer.

    principles for the writer of humor:

    1. A superb writer:master the craft of writing good "straight" English.

    2. Don't search for the outlandish and scorn what seems too ordinary.

    3.  Don't strain for laughs, humor is built on surprise.

    Part B Reflection

    Zinsser分别讲述nonfiction book的三种forms写作方法,其实万变不离其中,无论什么类型的作品,都要做到clarify、simplify and humanity(warmth)。无论何种题材类型的写作,都服从于humor这个主要原则,这样才称得上一篇合格且优秀的文章。




          本文标题:On Writing Well Day 18 Revision
