

作者: 杨博涵yzg | 来源:发表于2017-12-15 00:23 被阅读0次











The body has to be loved - you have to be agreat friend. It is your home, you have to clean it of all junk, and you haveto remember that it is in your service continuously, day in, day out. Even whenyou are asleep, your body is continuously working for you digesting, changingyour food into blood, taking out the dead cells from the body, bringing newoxygen, fresh oxygen into the body - and you are fast asleep!

It is doing everything for your survival,for your life, although you are so ungrateful that you have never even thankedyour body. On the contrary, your religions have been teaching you to tortureit: the body is your enemy and you have to get free from the body, itsattachments. I also know that you are more than the body and there is no needto have any attachment. But love is not an attachment, compassion is not anattachment. Love and compassion are absolutely needed for your body and itsnourishment. And the better body you have, the more is the possibility forgrowing consciousness. It is an organic unity.

Anubuddha, a totally new kind of educationis needed in the world where fundamentally everybody is introduced in to thesilences of the heart - in other words into meditations - where everybody hasto be prepared to be compassionate to one's own body. Because unless you arecompassionate to your own body, you cannot be compassionate to any other body.It is a living organism, and it has done no harm to you. It has beencontinuously in service since you were conceived and will be till your death.It will do everything that you would like to do, even the impossible, and itwill not be disobedient to you.

It is inconceivable to create such amechanism which is so obedient and so wise. If you become aware of all thefunctions of your body, your will be surprised. You have never thought whatyour body has been doing. It is so miraculous, so mysterious. But you havenever looked into it. You have never bothered to be acquainted with your ownbody and you pretend to, love other people. You cannot, because those otherpeople also appear to you as bodies.

The body is the greatest mystery in thewhole of existence. This mystery needs to be loved - its mysteries, itsfunctionings to be intimately inquired into.


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