1.《The Monkey's Paw》猴爪
The White got the Mankey's Paw from their friend,Tom by accident.Tom told them it was a magic paw because someone can make three wishes through it .The White made their first wish that they wanted to get 30000 pounds.
Finally, their wish come true instead of their son's death.
Mrs White missed her son .So she made the second wish to see her son again.
However,Mr White was afraid to see his son's dead body, so he made the three wish.
Being thirsty of money ,they lost the family's happiness.
2.《The Witches of Pendle》潘徳尔的巫师
Jennet Device was a nine years old girl.She was always cold and hungry.And she hated her family because they were witches .In 1612, she toldthe truth and the truth killed her family.
3.《The Phantom of the Opera》歌剧院的幽灵
Erik was a very dangerous but clever man.He could do many clever things with ropes and mirrors and secret doors .He helped to build the Opera House .He built secret passages underground and his secret house on the lake .He could not live in the outside world because of his terrible 、ugly face .People in the Opera House thought Erik was a ghost .Erik wanted to get love by Christine ,Finally,when Christin kissed Erik ,Erik decided to let Christin and Raoul go.
4.《The elephant man》象人
The elephant man was a horrible ,ugly and strange man .With the help of Dr Frederick,the elephant made a lot of friends .He can talk and read .At the end ,he deaf happily.
1)“要是把天赋当成负担,那就是浪费。你不知道没有义务是多么地空虚。” 2)“这种邪念让我和尚人沉溺于那个奇异的花种。只是假货到头来还是假货,成不了真货。”
1)“我啊,只是想找到一个能让我安心到可以不用化妆,用我最难看最不起眼的一面也能面对的男人。要是一个男人因为我其实没有看起来漂亮就要和我分手,那又有什么好值得可惜的。” 2)“小阮,你说,故乡,什么是故乡?故乡难道不是应该一提起来,就有掰着手指头也数不完的好吃的,就有能一见面就聊得忘了吃饭的老朋友,就能随便路过一处地方都指着说我小时候在这儿撒过一泡尿,偷过那家的一个红辣椒,在哪哪哪和小流氓干过一架,在哪哪哪和扎羊角辫的姑娘亲过嘴?故乡不是一个地名,是提起这个地名时那种挡也挡不住,拦也没法拦的,铺天盖地,鸡零狗碎的回忆。”
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