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作者: 话时光 | 来源:发表于2022-04-28 11:31 被阅读0次

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    原文:Measurements (1) were made of the speed with  which  bilingual  adults  performed simultaneous  translations  of  politicians’ speeches  because  politicians  tend  to  use formal language [Anderson and Wordsworth, 2008].  (2)  Similar  tests  with  Nobel  prize winners’  acceptance  speeches  gave  similar values  of  speed.  This  finding  strongly suggests  that  formal  language  represents  an easier  element  for  translation  than  informal language. The performance of teenagers (3) in  analogous  situations  also  confirms  the above  finding.  Considering  that  informal language,  in  particular  slang,  (4)  intensifies the  stress  levels  of  subjects  undertaking simultaneous  translation  (5)  the  lack  of changes  in  stress  levels  of  the  bilingual adults  with  respect  to  bilingual  teenagers when simultaneously  translating  extracts from  a  teenage  soap  opera,  would  seem  to indicate  that  experience  plays  an  important role. Consequently, stress levels in bilingual subjects  tend  (6) to decrease with age.

    修改后:In a previous paper [Anderson and Wordsworth, 2008] we  made measurements of the speed with which bilingual adults performed simultaneous translations  of  politicians’  speeches.  We chose  politicians  because  it  is  well  known that  they  tend  to  use  formal  language.  In the  same  study  [Anderson  and  Wordsworth, 2008]  we  conducted  similar  tests  with  Nobel prize  winners’  acceptance  speeches,  which gave  similar  values  of  speed.  These  two findings strongly suggest that formal language represents  an  easier  element  for  translation than  informal  language.  The  performance of  teenagers  in  analogous  situations  also confirms  the  above  finding  [Williams,  2009]. Williams  found  that  informal  language,  in particular slang, intensifies the stress levels of subjects  undertaking  simultaneous  translation. Therefore  the  lack  of  changes  that  we  found in  our  present  research  in  the  stress  levels of  bilingual  adults  with  respect  to  bilingual teenagers  when  simultaneously  translating extracts  from  a  teenage  soap  opera,  would seem  to  indicate  that  experience  plays  an important role.  As a consequence of our latest findings,  we  conclude  that  stress  levels  in bilingual subjects tend to decrease with age.

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