

作者: 东冈_ | 来源:发表于2017-02-03 20:59 被阅读20次

    关注越野跑撩骚号:享跑( ID:mengxiangpao)



    原创作者:Gretchen Brugman




    I often tell people that my background as a long-distance backpacker was better training for ultrarunning than the 10 years I spent as a competitive track and cross-country runner. It’s only recently, however, that I realized this is true in multiple ways. It’s not just the mental ability to break big tasks (and distances) into smaller ones that ultrarunning and backpacking have in common. Both also involve a lot of time in the wilderness. When you’re running 20 to 30 miles, you’re getting deeper into the wilderness than many weekend backpackers.



    It stands to reason, then, that trail runners, and ultrarunners especially, should have the same knowledge base as all wilderness travelers. However, many people did not find their way into this sport through a background in wilderness travel and adventure; they got here because of a love of running.

    My husband, whom I met when we worked together as climbing and canoeing guides back in the 1990s, initially scratched his head at this. After witnessing more than one occasion when I had to give advice, instruction, and/or appropriate gear to one of my running partners, he wondered, “Isn’t this stuff just common sense?”







    But the truth is, it’s not. What feels like common sense to someone who has spent most of his life either taking outdoor courses, planning wilderness trips with friends, or guiding expeditions into remote regions, is unknown territory to a runner without that background.

    Not only do I think there is a knowledge gap among some of the trail running community, but I also think many of these runners who lack a wilderness background don’t recognize its importance. I adore my running community, and I always believe that every runner has the best of intentions, but I have witnessed runners turn their noses up at maps; leave their toilet paper, gum, and food on the trail; feed wildlife; and start a long run into a snowstorm wearing too-little clothing. These things break my heart.

    It’s for this reason that I want to share some of my knowledge here, so that all runners can assess, and perhaps improve, their skills, and then head into the wilderness both safely and ethically.

    In spite of the title of this article, it is by no means all encompassing. This is merely an overview of many of the things you should know and understand, with the onus on you to educate yourself further. It is important for all of us to travel the trails as safely as possible, and to be stewards of these beautiful landscapes.

    So what do I mean when I talk about “wilderness”? Federally designated wilderness areas, such as the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in Minnesota, are lands that have our nation’s highest level of protection. Please don’t confuse this official term with my liberal use of the word “wilderness.” When it comes to safety and preparedness, I am definitely moving beyond this definition to include any area where you might be without immediate help in an emergency. Much of the advice I am about give could be applied to shorter trails (five to 10 miles) in areas not considered to be remote, while all of it should be weighed when heading to lightly traveled areas with the intent of covering 20 to 30 (or more!) miles. Please consider the hazards presented by the specific area as well as your own limits.

    A trail runner on an adventure run in the Hoover Wilderness of the Sierra Nevada. All photos Gretchen Brugman unless otherwise noted.

    1. 你将去哪

    Where You’re Going


    Research Your Route


    One of the first and most important steps to being prepared is researching your route. For many of us, this is also part of the fun. There is little more exciting than when dreaming becomes planning and an epic run is realized. Some important tools for research are maps, guidebooks, and websites with route-specific information.


    Often the most helpful sources in researching a route are other runners. They can give you details that may be unclear from a map or guidebook, such as knowledge of unmarked trails, water sources, hazardous creek crossings, and how long you can really expect to spend on trail. Nearly every time I plan to head into the wilderness on an adventure in an area that is new to me, I ask questions of as many people as I can. Frequently, their advice has proven to be invaluable.


    Tell a Friend


    Whenever you go for a run, you should be sure to tell someone where you’re going and about how long you’ll be gone. How many details you decide to give depends on your route. If you’re just headed out for your standard Friday-morning run with the boys, your wife probably already knows where you are and when to expect you back. If you’re headed out for a full day on the trails, you should write down details such as your trailhead, route, expected finishing point, and expected return time. If someone needs to call in the cavalry to help you, they’ll have a much better chance of finding you with that information in hand.


    Understand Navigation


    Knowing how to navigate in the wilderness is important for every runner in your group. If you are on a trail with which you are not familiar, a map is a basic, essential tool to bring with you. Depending on the surrounding terrain, you may also be able to use landmarks. Look around! Notice the proximity of surrounding peaks, or anything that can be seen in the distance. Pay attention when the trail changes direction. Other important navigational tools are a compass and a GPS. Make sure you are very comfortable with how to use your map, compass, and GPS.


    Just because someone in your group is familiar with the trail does not mean you should rely solely on that person to get you through safely. In the event of an accident, you may not be able to rely on that person. Everyone in the group should understand the route and how to navigate it.


    Know Your Evacuation Points


    If someone gets injured, or you have to shorten your route because you’re traveling slower than expected, do you have options? Make sure everyone is aware of these bailout points. If a route has no evacuation options, you will want to take that into consideration when making your risk assessment.


    Check Conditions



    What’s the weather like during the time of year you’ll be running? Are the creeks running high? Is there snow still on the ground? Are there any known trail closures? I live in the mountains near Tahoe, California, and I often answer these exact questions for friends coming up from Sacramento and the Bay Area to run trails. It’s easy to assume a route is snow-free when it’s been 100 degrees Fahrenheit at your house in the valley for a month, but this isn’t always the case. There’s nothing better than a local on the ground to tell you specifically about trail conditions. Social media can be a great way to ask runners you don’t even know about conditions in their area. Also, a visitor center, ranger station, or local gear shop can often give you an up-to-date report on the trails.


    Running Buddies


    Group Size


    Decisions about group size should weigh a few factors, including safety, personal preference, and the impact on the environment. On trails familiar to me, I prefer a group size of no more than four. On remote wilderness trails, I think four to five runners is ideal, with a maximum of six. With fewer than four, someone could end up alone in the event of an injury and emergency evacuation. With more than six, communication becomes difficult and decision making challenging.


    Experience Level

    你团队里其他人的经验水平如何?你自身的经验水平又如何?如果只是在本地跑上20英里的距离,我可以完美承担起新手指导的角色。其实,对于新人来说,与有经验的运动员结伴前进是积累经验的最佳手段之一。如果我计划在内华达地区的Ansel Adams荒野(在作者的家附近,意指熟悉线路的情况下)进行30英里的奔跑,虽然距离同样遥远。我在同行团队成员的经验水平上能有更多选择余地。此外,不要害怕在在组队出发之前问你的“潜在队友”的经验水平如何。

    What is the experience level of others in your group? What about your own experience level? If I am out for a 20 miler on local trails, I’m perfectly comfortable taking inexperienced runners. In fact, it’s a good way for those runners to get more experience. If I’m planning a 30 miler in the Ansel Adams Wilderness of the Sierra Nevada, though, or anything equally remote and committing, I’m going to be more selective about the experience level of my running partners. Don’t be afraid to ask potential adventuring partners about their own experience level before heading out into the backcountry with them.


    Group Dynamics


    How you interact with your running partners can have a huge impact on the safety of your experience. For ideal group dynamics, go with experienced runners you know and trust in a group no bigger than six. Of course, that’s not always practical, and certainly getting to know other runners during a long day on singletrack can forge some of the best friendships. So, to the extent that you can, make sure there are at least one or two experienced runners in your group whom you know and trust. Talk to your group before you go about specific plans and pace. If necessary, you might create smaller groups of two to three within a bigger group so that similarly paced runners can stay together. Be sure to establish if and where the entire group will meet up during the run.


    Make sure your group is clear that no one will be running alone, and be prepared to follow through on this commitment. This might mean that some runners in the group will need to slow their pace in order to keep a runner from falling behind. It also means that a solo speedster should not go flying way ahead, and that you should ignore the assurances of a slower runner who insists he doesn’t mind running alone. Communication is key in this regard. Last summer I spent four days running the entire Tahoe Rim Trail with four friends. During the planning stages, we had a meeting where the friend who did most of the planning brought a list of “rules” (one of which was “No one gets left behind!”) that we discussed and agreed to. This was an awesome way to communicate because it left nothing to question and made everyone comfortable with the expectations.

    沟通是关键。去年夏天,我花了4天时间与4个朋友组队完成了整个Tahoe Rim Trail线路。在策划阶段,我们开了个会,团队中制定这次计划的主要成员人做了一个有关“规则”的清单,队则里有这样一条——不能丢下任何一个人。经过讨论,我们都同意这一点。相互之间的交流是非常好的,这可以解决很多问题,让每队员的旅程愉快舒服,并且充满期待。


    Group dynamics can become a safety concern when it comes to decision making. When weather moves in, how will you decide if you should turn around, reroute, or tough it out? What if the group wants to split? What if members of your group disagree about a navigational decision? Ensuring that you have positive group dynamics will enable you to make these kinds of decisions quickly and appropriately.


    Going Solo


    With all this discussion about group dynamics and group size, you may be wondering if it’s ever safe to go for a long run by yourself. I would answer this question with a very qualified “yes.” The easiest situation in which to say yes to a solo run is when you’re running a comfortable distance on familiar trails that either have many access points or at least will have a number of other trail users, should you really run into trouble. If your route is long, challenging, and heads into remote and little-traveled terrain, you should really consider whether going solo is the best idea, especially if it’s a route you’ve not previously run.

    Your own experience level can even be a hindrance in these assessments, as overconfidence can sometimes lead us to make assumptions. Several years ago I mapped out an amazing 34-mile training run for myself through the High Sierra. Since the trailhead was in Yosemite National Park, I figured it would be a well-traveled trail. This turned out not to be the case in June on a trail that traveled over multiple 12,000-foot passes. Clearly overconfidence had been my downfall, and I neglected to inquire about how well traveled the trail was. I was able to send my husband some text updates from the trail, but we knew cell phone coverage would be spotty, so this wasn’t something that could be counted on. Had I realized that I would spend the first eight hours of my run without seeing a soul, I would have had to regretfully reconsider running it solo. Lesson learned.

    However, there are some things you can do to help mitigate the risks of a long, solo run, such as leaving a detailed plan with a friend (You should always do that anyway, remember?) and using a GPS device like a SPOT tracker that can let others know your whereabouts. Just remember, it’s not that you must always run with others, but use a great deal of caution when deciding whether or not to undertake an epic solo mission.



