

作者: 羲羲 | 来源:发表于2016-01-31 21:27 被阅读0次

Definition of insurance

“thepractice of sharing among many persons, risks of life or property that wouldotherwise be suffered by only a few.”

Definition of marine cargoinsurance

“theinsurant enters with an insurance company and/or an underwriter into a contractof insurance in which the insurance company charges an insurance premium andthe insurance company will, according to the terms indicated in the insurancecontract, indemnify the insurant of any loss that occurs within the scope ofcoverage.”

lTwo types of risks

¡Perils of the sea

lNatural calamities

�Caused by forcemajeure events such as heavy weather, lightening, Tsunami, earthquake, volcaniceruption, thunderbolt, etc.

lUnexpected accidents/fortuitous accidents

�Caused byaccidents such as fire, explosion, vessel being stranded, grounded, sunk orcapsized, collision, missing, etc.

¡External risks/extraneous risks

lGeneral risks

�Caused bycommon factors such as theft, fresh water rain, shortage, leakage, clash andbreakage, odor, heating and sweating, hook damage, rust, breakage of packing,etc.

lSpecial risks

�Caused bymilitary factors, political factors, government regulations such as war,striking, confiscation, etc.

Types of additional coverage

General additional insurancecoverage (11 types)

TPND (Theft, Pilferage andNon-delivery)偷窃提货不着险

Fresh Water Rain Damage淡水雨淋险

Risk of Shortage短量险

Risk of Intermixture andContamination混杂沾污险

Risk of Leakage渗漏险

Risk of Clash and Breakage碰损破碎险

Risk of Odor串味险

Damage caused by Heating andSweating受热受潮险

Hook Damage勾损险

Risk of Rust生锈险

Loss for Damage Caused by Breakage of Packing包装破裂险


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