

作者: simplefoodnotes | 来源:发表于2013-08-24 15:30 被阅读0次

    最近在读Nigel Slater一书《Tender》。在“序”的一章有几段作者阐述他的绿色饮食的因由和理念。文字写得很漂亮,也反映了我的一些想法,特此在下面译至中文,以作笔记并分想之。欢迎指教。

    "We have damaged this planet. We have plundered its natural resources, emptied its seas, scorched its earth, turned its beating heart into a toxic rubbish dump. There have been decades, if not centuries, of take rather than give."


    "And yes, it is worth "reading" our plate before we dig in. Where did that food come from? Does it sit comfortably with our conscience and what we believe good food to be What, other than our immediate appetite, does it benefit, and crucially, what damage is that plate of food doing?"


    "If digging our gardens, getting an allotment, shopping at farmers' markets, growing organically, and eating sustainably is seen as a sign of our collective guilt for what we have done to our planet, then so be it. We can never totally undo what has been done. But there are some of us, hopeful, deluded, possibly a wee bit mad, who are happy to try to put in more than we take out. One of the ways we can do that is to eat a greener diet."


    "Swapping my lawn for leeks and lettuces has a lot to do with wanting to know as much as possible about what I am eating. It is, I suppose, my way of making a deeper connection with my food, a desire to know the whole story rather than just what it says on the label."


    "More than anything, the move is about a desire for simplicity. Our food production has become so complicated, with its air miles, pesticides, extended shelf life, marketing, and packaging. "


    "I hanker after something simpler, more honest and direct. More holistic, if you like. The idea of planting a seed, watching it grow, then eating the result instantly does away with much of the baggage that goes hand in hand with our modern food supply."




