

作者: 千千大捷 | 来源:发表于2020-03-27 23:55 被阅读0次



    但是这些怀揣着恶意的人忘记了,理智的支持者一直陪伴在强者身侧,因为理智的一方知道抱着清者自清的心态,静待事态平息是消极无用的做法,为了防止恶意的谣言从gossip变成rumor再变成defamation甚至ruin reputation,他们独立思考、保持清醒、沉着应对,做好自己本分的事情,把该公开的公开,一一说明白,剩下的交给时间,时间自会检验真心,也自会筛留下真正拥护强者的人。




    Gossip is unconstrained and often derogatory conversation about other people and can involve betraying a confidence and spreading sensitive information or hurtful judgments.


    1、People who gossip the most have very high levels of anxiety. They are generally not particularly popular because they cannot be trusted.

    2、People who don't feel good about themselves temporarily feel better when they judge others negatively.


    1、When people can't generate interesting discussions based on knowledge or ideas, gossip can rouse people's interest.

    2、People gossip in order to hurt those whose popularity, talents, or lifestyle they envy.

    3、it's a validation that your smallness is not that small becuase someone else's largeness is not that large.

    4、It's a vocalization of the meanness and cruelty and self-doubt and self-pity within you.

    5、It's a repetition of the habit of seeing the worst and speaking the worst and thinking the worst. It is the quickest ticket to get into a group of people so that your loneliness is less lonely, so that you have people to eat with and talk with only to bury the nagging feeling that in your absence, someone else buys the same quick ticket to talk about you, to fit in. It’s also a social currency, with which people would easy to be

    6、It is born of centuries of desire to talk, to release, to releate. Only it is conversation tained with malice of the death of your own dreams while being stuck in the cage of your insecurities.

    7、Poor Coping Skills. People often talk about others because they are having some internal reaction to them or emotion around them (jealousy, dislike, etc..). By not being able to cope effectively, they use "talking about them" as a way to cope with their own feelings that they can't express or deal with appropriately.

    8、 Social Reward. Sadly, people get rewarded for talking about others when others join in, laugh at what you're saying, etc...it rewards that type of discussion. If people simply said it was inappropriate and walked away, this behavior would not stop immediately, there exist more gossips.

    9、people have this need to feel like they matter to someone in some way,

    10、Also, because it’s one way to become popular.


    1、When you spread false rumors about person you either damage person's reputation or self-identity by the lies you say about the person which others may believe. By the false rumors you tell people about a person- you alter- change the true image of the person and replace it with a false image. Gossip starts rumors and rumors can ruin reputations.

    2、By spreading false rumors which others believe or may believe you also change the potential of natural events that could otherwise occur in person's life if the false rumors did not occur.

    3、Research shows that Spreading private information or negative judgments is painful to others and reflects poorly on the gossiper.

    They may not have a lot of brute physical power, but the amount of influence they can have is not to be underestimated.


    1、If they’re talking about me, I ignore them. One of my favorite quotes is something to the effect of “we care so much for the opinions of others we care for the opinions of those for whom we care not.” It reminds me not to be so insecure as to care what gossips, whom I intrinsically don’t like, think of me.

    2、If someone shoot juicy gossips at you, but you certainly can’t find a better place to shove. It means that you own your internal judgment, which is based on your own world view, moral courage and unique philosophy. So, Keep a clear mind, have a good sense of values, training the right perception and judgment, to lose those bad habits, which is the goal of our struggle.



