Hello, everyone. I’m Amber, from Mini class. I'm so proud that I'm already 5 years old. And recently I've got a lot of discovering.
It's getting colder and colder these days. We need more clothes and I haven't seen any ants for a long while. Oh! Winter's here!
But I'm not worried because I really love winter. I can skiiiiiiii in winter!! Wait… it rarely snow in Chengdu, right? What a pity!
Speaking of seasons, I do catch a lot of things about the nature.
As we all know, human beings and other creatures we live together on the planet called the Earth. But why we don't live on Mars? Or mercury? Or even the sun? Why is the earth so special? What does the earth look like? Flat? Or round? What is the earth made of? I know EVERYTHING!
Is the earth round? Yes, but not perfectly round though. It's slightly flatter at the top and bottom, and it bulges out just a little in the middle.
Our earth is made up of different layers of rock and metal. Some of the layer are hard, but others are so hot that they've melted and runny- a bit like hot, sticky toffee.(hope it is sweat as well. )
And here is what surprised me a lot! The earth is 4,600 million years old. Wow!! That means it is MUCH older than my Great grandfather!!!
By the way, my great grandfather loves winter, too. So l wish I can keep winter forever. That's possible! We have seasons because of the way the earth spins round the sun. Each round takes a year from start to finish. So when winter comes, we stop the earth spinning, we stop winter slipping away. How smart I am!
Ok, I talked too much. Let's go back to our very first question. Why can't we live on other planets but the earth?
Our planet is the only one in the solar system with flowing, liquid water and living things on it. That makes it very special. It is the 3rd planet from the sun, and it gets just the right amount of heat and light to keep us alive. Any closer, and it would be too hot. Any farther away, and it would be too cold.
We all love our motherland, the earth. So, learning about it is a good start! How about we explore more together?