Word World

作者: 丿inane丶 | 来源:发表于2016-12-10 11:46 被阅读29次


  • to prepare and use land for growing plants or crops
  • to grow plants or crops

The people cultivate mainly rice and beans

  • (sometimes disaprroving) to try to get sb's friendship or support

He purposely tried to cultivate good relations with the press.

  • make (the mind, feelings,etc) more educated and refined

reading the best authors in an attempt to cultivate her mind.

  • ~ sth to sth to say or believe that sth is the result of a particular thing

She attributes her success to hard word and a little luck.

  • ~ sth (to sb) to say or believe that sb is responsible for doing sth, especially for saying, writing or painting sth

This play is usually attributed to Shakespeare.

  • quality regarded as a natural or typical part of sb/sth

Her greatest attribute was her kindness.

  • a ~ (on sth) a sum of money that is given as the first part of a larger payment:

We've put down a 5% deposit on the house.

  • a sum of money that is paid by sb when they rent sth and that is returned to them if they do not lose or damage the thing they are renting
  • a layer of a substance that has formed naturally underground

mineral / gold / coal deposits

  • [+adv./prep.] to put or lay sb/sth down in a particular place

She deposited a pile of books on my desk.


  • a time of great danger, difficulty or confusion when problems must be solved or important decisions must be made

The Communist Party was facing an identity crisis.

  • a time when a problem, a bad situation or an illness is at its worst point.---critical

Their marriage has reached crisis point.


  • ~ sth (to sb) to make sth known to sb
  • Details of the murder were revealed by the local paper.

  • to show sth that previously could not be seen
  • She crouched in the dark, too frightened to reveal herself

  • warm, comfortable and safe, especially because of being small or enclosed
  • I felt warm and cosy sitting by the fire.

  • friendly and private
  • a cosy chat with a friend

  • to make sth seem longer, better, worse or more important than it really is
  • The hotel was really filthy and I'm not exaggerating.

  • ~ sth/sb (from sth) to remove or get rid of sth/sb
  • Credit cards eliminate the need to carry a lot of cash.

  • ~ sb (from sth) [usually passive] to defeat a person or a team so that they no longer take part in a competition, etc
  • She was eliminated from the tournament in the first round.

  • (written) to kill sb, especially an enemy or opponent
  • Most of the regime's left-wing opponents were eliminated.

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  • ~ (toward(s) / against / in favour of sb/sth) having a tendency to show favour towards or against one group of people or one opinion for personal reasons; making unfair judgements
  • Their research was based on a biased sample

  • to make sth increase, or become better or more successful
  • to boost sb's confidence / morale

  • something that helps or encourages sb/sth
  • The tax cuts will give a much needed boost to the economy

  • way in which things happen without any cause that can be seen or understood; luck; fortune 无任何可见到的或可了解的原因而发生的情况; 机会; 运气
  • It was (pure) chance our meeting in Paris/that we met in Paris.

  • possibility; likelihood 可能性
  • There's a faint chance that you'll find him at home. 在他家里找到他的可能性很小.

  • occasion when success seems very probable; opportunity 很有可能成功的时机; 机会:
  • It was the chance she had been waiting for. 这就是她一直等待的机会.

  • risk; gamble 冒险; 赌博
  • take chances

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  • state (sth) as a fact but without proof; give as an argument or excuse (无证据地)陈述, 宣称, 声称(某事); 辩解:

The prisoner alleges that he was at home on the night of the crime. 囚犯辩称案发当晚他在家中

  • alleged adj [attrib 作定语] stated without being proved (未经证实而)陈述的: the alleged culprit, ie the person said to be the culprit 被控的疑犯.


  • (cause sth to) increase or develop by successive stages; become or make (sth) more intense (使某事物)逐步增长或发展; (使某事物)更紧张

House prices have escalated rapidly. 房价已急速上涨


  • remove sb (esp an employee) from a position
  • send sb away; allow sb to leave 把某人打发走; 让某人离开

dismiss soldiers, a class 遣散士兵﹑ 下课

  • put (thoughts, feelings, etc) out of one's mind 屏除(思想﹑ 感情等)

He tried without success to dismiss her/her memory from his thoughts. 他尽量不去想她, 然而无济於事

  • consider sb/sth not worth thinking or talking about 对某人[某事物]不予理会或不屑一提

dismiss a suggestion, an objection, an idea, etc
Trump has consistently dismissed the intelligence community’s findings about Russian hacking

  • (law 律) reject (a case, an appeal, etc) 驳回(讼案﹑ 上诉等).
  • dismissive adj ~ (of sb/sth) dismissing in a rude, brief and casual way (以粗暴﹑ 轻率及漫不经心的态度)打发走或表示拒绝

a dismissive gesture, tone of voice, shrug of the shoulders 表示轻蔑的手势﹑ 语调﹑ 一耸肩


  • ~ sth (at sth) decide or fix the amount of sth 确定, 评定(某数额)

assess sb's taxes/income 评定某人的税额[总收入]

  • decide or fix the value of (sth); evaluate 确定, 评定(某事物)的价值; 估价

have a house assessed by a valuer 由估价者给房子估价.

  • estimate the quality of sth

It's difficult to assess the impact of the President's speech.

  • assessment
  1. action of assessing 确定; 评定: Continuous assessment is made of all students' work. 对全体学生的功课作出连贯性的评定
  2. evaluation or opinion 评价; 看法: What is your assessment of the situation? 你对这一情况有什麽看法?


  • piece of wood or stone forming the bottom of a doorway 门槛.
  • entrance of a house, etc (房屋等的)门口: cross the threshold, ie enter 跨过门槛(进入).
  • point of entering or beginning sth 入门; 起点; 开端

He was on the threshold of his career. 他的事业刚刚起步


  • move forward in or like waves

The crowd surged (past) into the stadium. 观众涌入了体育场.

  • arise suddenly and intensely

Anger surged (up) within him. 他怒火中烧.


  • layer of horny substance over the outer tip of a finger or toe 指甲; 趾甲

finger-nails , cut one's nails 剪指甲

  • small thin piece of metal with a sharp point at one end and a (usu) flat head at the other, hammered into articles to hold them together, or into a wall, etc for use as a peg to hang things on 钉子
  • idm 习语) a nail in sb's/sth's `coffin thing that hastens or ensures sb's death, or the end, failure, etc of sb/sth 加速某人死亡或使某人必死的事物; 某人[某事物]的结局﹑ 失败等

The long and costly strike proved to be the last nail in the company's coffin. 长期罢工损失巨大致使该公司一蹶不振

  • catch or arrest (sb) 抓住或逮捕(某人):

Have the police nailed the man who did it? 警方逮着做案的人了吗?


  • of the home, household or family 家庭的; 家务的

She's very domestic, ie prefers home life to going out, or is good at and likes cooking, housework, etc. 她非常喜欢家庭生活(深居简出或善於烹饪﹑ 做家务等).

  • of or inside a particular country, not foreign or international 本国的; 国内的

domestic trade, exports, production, etc 国内贸易﹑ 本产出口﹑ 本地产品

  • (of animals) kept on farms or as pets; not wild (指动物)驯养的, 作宠物饲养的, 非野生的.
  • n household servant, esp a cleaner 仆人, 佣人(尤指清洁工



    本文标题:Word World
