I. Reading 阅读
Some people have more money than others. However, they're not necessarily happier. On the other hand, some people are as poor as church mice, but they are happy. In a way, these poor people are as rich as kings. Therefore, I always remember my father's words, "More is not always better."
II. Vocabulary&ldioms 单词短语注解
- than [ðæn] conj. 比......
例: He is more knowledgeable than his father.
(他比他父亲更有学问。) - however [haʊ'ɛvɚ] adv. 不过
例: John is neither handsome nor rich. However, he is nice.
(约翰既不英俊又不富有,不过他人很好。) - not necessarily 未必
necessarily [,nɛsə'sɛrəli] adv. 必然地
例: The boss isn't necessarily always right.
(老板未必永远,是对的。) - as poor as a church mouse(与单数主语并用)
as poor as church mice(与复数主语并用)
church [tʃɝtʃ] n.教堂
例: The businessman lost everything he had and is now as poor as a church mouse.
(那个商人失去所有的东西,现在穷得要命。) - king [kɪŋ] n.国王
- remember [rɪ'mɛmbɚ] vt. 记住
例: Mary remembered my birthday.
(玛丽记得我的生日。) - words [wɝdz] n. (某人所说的)话 (word的复数)
例: I don't believe his words. He is a liar.
(我不相信他的话,他是个骗子。 - more [mɔr] a.更多的(much的比较级)&adv.更加&pron.更多的份量
例: I have more friends than you.
She is more beautiful than Mary.
He has a lot of money, but she has more.
*本句中的more是代词,等于more money。
III. Grammar Points 语法重点
- Some people have more money than others.
本句中的状语从句than others修饰其前的比较级形容词more。than others原本应为than others do, do为助动词,代替之前主句中相同的动词have,此
a. 主句有be动词时,从句亦应使用be动词,该be动词通常予以省略。
例: She is more beautiful than you do. ( X )
→She is more beautiful than you are. ( O )
=She is more beautiful than you.
b. 主句有一般动词时,从句理应使用相同的动词,但为了避免重复,该动词应按时态及人称改为do、does或did;而do、does或did通常亦予以省略。
例: He studies harder than I study. ( 劣,study与studies重复。)
→He studies harder than I do. ( 佳, 由于study是现在式,故改用do取代。)
=He studies harder than I.
He came back earlier than I came back. (劣,came back重复)
→ He came back earlier than I did. (佳,由于came是过去式,故改用did。)
= He came back earlier than I.
Some people have(动词) more money than others have(动词). ( 劣, have 重复。 )
Some people have more money than others do. ( 佳 )
=Some people have more money than others. - Some people have more money than others.
本句中的others [ʌðɚz]是代词,等于other people。some亦可作代词,等于some people。
some...others... 有些人......有些人......
例: People have different hobbies. Some like to go swimming, and others are fond of dancing.
(人的爱好各有不同。有些人喜欢游泳,有些人则喜欢跳舞。) - Some people are as poor as church mice.
In a way, these poor people are as rich as kings.
a. 主句有be动词时,从句亦应使用be动词,该be动词通常予以省略。
例: She is as beautiful as you do. ( X )
→ She is as beautiful as you are. ( O )
=She is as beautiful as you.
b. 主句有一般动词时,状语从句里理应使用相同的动词,但为了避免重复,该动词应按时态及人称改为do、does或did;而do、does或did通常亦予以省略。
例: He studies as hard as I study. ( 劣, study与studies重复。)
→He studies as hard as I do. (佳, 由于study是现在式,故改由do取代。)
=He studies as hard as I.
He came back as early as I came back. (劣,came back重复。)
→He came back as early as I did. ( 佳, 由于came是过去式,故用did取代。)
= He came back as early as I.
IV. Substitution 替换
- Some people have more money than others (do).
Paul has more friends than I (do).
My sister is fatter than I (am).
Jim finished his test earlier than Mary (did).
(吉姆比玛丽早做完考卷。) - These poor people are as rich as kings (are).
I have as much money as my brother (does).
Today is as cold as yesterday (was).
A horse isn't as big as an elephant (is).