2022.8.21《Safe heaven》

2022.8.21《Safe heaven》

作者: 青丫_ | 来源:发表于2022-08-20 23:30 被阅读0次

1.My heart just overflowed with sympathy.(情绪描写)

2.Jo's.words had definitely thrown her emotions into turmoil.(扔进感情的漩涡)

3.If you are going to toy with his feelings and those of his children.(玩弄)

4.The third week of June was a series of glorious high summer days. The temperature crept up over the course of afternoon, bringing with humidity heavy enough to thicken the air and blur the horizon. Heavy clouds  would then form as if by magic, and violent thunderstorms would  drop torrents rain. The showers never last long, though, leaving behind only dripping leaves and layer of ground mist.(环境描写)


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      本文标题:2022.8.21《Safe heaven》
