2022.8.18《Safe heaven》

2022.8.18《Safe heaven》

作者: 青丫_ | 来源:发表于2022-08-17 23:18 被阅读0次


1.Outside he could hear the steady sound of crackers, but it did nothing to soothe him.这对安慰他没有起到一点儿作用。

2. The thought made his stomach clench, reminding him that he hadn't eaten.

Simply thinking about what she has done made her sick to her stomach.

3. I'm picky.我很挑剔的。

4. Brittle snow (嘎吱嘎吱的雪)coated the yards of Dorchester,forming a glittering shell over the world outside her window.(银装素裹的世界) .The January sky,gray the day before had given way to an icy blue. and the temperature was below freezing.

5. His hair was pointing in different directions. (头发乱七八糟)And there was a piece of egg at the corner of his mouth.


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      本文标题:2022.8.18《Safe heaven》
