D10 week2 2017.6.29

作者: 齐大枣 | 来源:发表于2017-06-29 22:33 被阅读0次

    1. 精进口语,听力,慢跑

    2. 主攻听力

    a 对话听力:



    b 老托听力:

    精练 1 篇


    1). 口语对话中的句型和词汇,全包括;

    Hi, Dave, long time no see.

    Hey, Marine, how have you been?

    not bad, and you?

    I'm doing okay, but school work has been really hectic these day, I haven't had time to relax.

    By the way, what's your major anyway.

    hotel manager.

    What do you want to do once you graduate?

    well, I haven't decided for sure, but I'd like to work for a hotel or travel agency in this area. How about you?

    well, when I first started college, I wanted to major in French. But I realized I might have hard time finding job using the language, so I changed majors to computer science, you know, with the right skills, landing a job in computer industry  shouldn't be as difficult.

    so do you have a part time job to support yourself through school?

    wow, fortunately for me, I received a four years academic scholarship that pays for all of my tuition and books.

    wow, that's great.

    yeah, how about you? Are you working your way through school?

    yeah, I work three times a week at a restaurant near campus.

    What do you do there?

    I'm a cook.

    How do you like your job?

    It's okay, the other workers are friendly, and the pay isn't bad.

    2)Cariboo gold rush of 1858 

    in an Canadian province of British Columbia;    flock to the region;       strike it rich; 

    supplies have to be brought in;            this was done with mules;           there were drawbacks; quite reliable;                 a group of merchants and packers;       could take as long as 20 days; decide to try a new approach;                 a herd of camels;          believed it or not; came trains; some 10 years earlier;               quite effectively;             weren't quite the same;           disaster; heavy load;                 the merchants expect them do;                                        two-toed feet; were perfect for desert travel;                     won't suited for Cariboo rugged mountain terrain; to make matters worse;         on the treacherous mountain trails;        became very agitated; whenever they came across a camel;    

    went so far to threaten camel owners with a lawsuit; 

    simply weren't cut out for the job;                    get rid of camels;


    Today I' d like to address the topic of the Cariboo gold rush of 1858, which began when gold was discovered in frontier region, in Canadian province of British Columbia.

    By 1861, thousands of men had flocked to the region hoping strike it rich.

    Naturally as town grew, supplies have to be brought in, and this was done with mules;

    the mules were quite reliable but there were some drawbacks at the same time. the mules carried heavy load could only walk 15 miles a day, this mean a typical trip to Cariboo, it'll take as long as 20 days.

    so, some merchants and packers have decided to try a new approach, believe it or not, they shipped in a herd of camels.

    I know that sounds strange, but in fact, camels had been used quite effectively during California gold rush some 10 years earlier.

    however the results in the region weren't quite at the same.

    because the camels couldn't carry heavy loads as the packers expected them do.

    their two-toed feet were perfect for desert travel, but they weren't suited for the Cariboo mountain terrain.

    to make matters worse, the mules became very agitated when they came across a camel, then this caused lot of accidents on the treacherous mountain trail.

    the merchants went so far as to threaten camel owners with a lawsuit.

    but the reason the merchants finally got rid of camels is because these animals simply weren't cut out for the job.


    3)gas hydrate


    Scientists are always on lookout for alternative of energy, today we'll discuss one, that's so plentiful, they say it could supply more energy more than the coal and oil in the world.

    it' s found in something called gas hydrate, believe it or not, this is kind of ice.

    the water in this ice was way down below the earth surface when it was frozen, so they under a lot of pressure.

    trapped inside the crystals of ice are individual molecules methane.  and all this make this gas hydrate pretty strange stuff. 

    if you touch a match to a piece this ice, it'll burst into flame;

    some geologist bring a chunk of it up to surface to study at normal air pressure and temperature, it started to hiss and bubble, then release tons of methane into the atmosphere.

    now as you might guess, this could this gas hydrate kind of hard for miners to handle.

    many environmentalists warn that these methane are the greenhouse gas, that they could really worsen the problem of global warming. 

    so with all these drawbacks, I'm not gonna hold breathe waiting for it to fuel my furnace.

    3. 复述和作文,针对口语,和两篇精听内容,分别展开复述和作文练习;首先是用记忆宫殿的方法把故事复述出来;然后再把新学来的句式和词汇用在作文里面;

    4. 看半小时英文新闻;

    5. 精进放在明天的晨练:精进部分就是不断熟练。



        本文标题:D10 week2 2017.6.29
