
作者: 河北南和刘志玉 | 来源:发表于2022-04-03 07:48 被阅读0次

        人民就是江山、江山就是人民!人民至上、生命至上!地球上新冠肺炎疫情依然肆虐,国内新增本土确诊病例和无症状感染者增长快速,疫情多点散发,波及范围进一步扩大,部分地区社区传播尚未阻断,并有外溢病例报告 ,防控形势严峻复杂,外防输入、内防扩散任重道远!

The people are the people! People are supreme and life is supreme! The epidemic of Coronavirus pneumonia is still raging on Earth, and the number of newly confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections in China is increasing rapidly. The epidemic has spread from multiple locations, and the spread has been further expanded. Community transmission has not been stopped in some areas, and there have been reports of spillover cases. The prevention and control situation is grim and complex. The external import and internal non-proliferation have a long way to go.


Corner may not encounter love, but may encounter the epidemic. I blow through the wind you blow, this is not to embrace, calculate, this belongs to close! I walk through the road you walk, this is not to meet, count, belong to the close... South and the area outside of the back are considered outside, must be reported in advance!


In view of the change of the epidemic situation in Jize County, Handan City, Nanhe District decided to implement the whole area closed management at 13: 00 on April 2, and began to test nucleic acid in all personnel at 6: 00 of April 3!


During the period of containment, except for holding work certificates to participate in containment, nucleic acid testing... The rest of the staff strictly in the current residence to keep still, avoid going out!


You can not come out of the door, is how many community workers, police, medical staff, office staff can not go home! Do not go out unless it is necessary! Do not believe rumors, do not spread rumors, listen to official propaganda!


For yourself, but also for your family, please protect yourself and your family! Please actively cooperate with the prevention and control work, epidemic prevention from self!


Always thought happiness in the distance, and later found that those who have hugged, shook hands, sang songs, tears, loved people, the so-called once, is happiness! In countless nights, the words said, the phone calls, the movies seen, the tears flowing through. See or invisible touched, we have had, and then in the time of the shuttle, everything became eternal!


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