13 Good Progress

13 Good Progress

作者: 吉米妈妈 | 来源:发表于2018-03-01 18:34 被阅读0次


    rip:[T always + adv/prep] to remove something quickly and violently, using your hands. rip sth out/off/away/down

    orb:n. 球;天体;圆形物

    snare: [snɛr] n. [C ] 陷阱;圈套

    cheer sb on:  phr v. to shout encouragement at a person or team to help them do well in a race or competition

    dew: [du]n. [U ] 露,露水

    swell out: (使)膨胀,(使)胀大

    chronicle:n. 编年史,年代记;记录

    crate:n. [C ] 板条箱;篓

    alder: ['ɔldɚ]n. [林] 桤木

    rag:n. 破布;碎屑

    hinge: n. [C ]〔门、盖子等上的〕铰链,合叶

    spring:n. [C ]弹簧;发条

    dead battery:废电池

    tatter:1.to make or become ragged or worn to shreds 撕碎 2.torn or ragged pieces, esp of material 碎片

    spike:n. 长钉,道钉

    stopper:n. 塞子;阻塞物

    crank:n. [C ]曲轴,曲柄

    rummage: ['rʌmɪdʒ]to search for something by moving things around in a careless or hurried way 翻找,乱翻

    noble:adj. 高尚的;贵族的

    preshrunk:adj. (of fabrics, garments, etc) having undergone a shrinking process during manufacture so that further shrinkage will not occur (纺织品、服装等)已预缩的

    grumble:[I,T] to keep complaining in an unhappy way不断地发牢骚,抱怨

    gallop: ['ɡæləp][I] if a horse gallops, it moves very fast with all its feet leaving the ground together〔马〕飞奔,疾驰

    writhe:[raɪð]v. [I ]to twist your body from side to side violently, especially because you are suffering pain

    romp:n. 嘻耍喧闹

    tackle:[T] to try to deal with a difficult problem

    fin:n. 鳍

    sag: v. [I ]to hang down or bend in the middle, especially because of the weight of something

    merciless: [ˈmɜːrsɪlɪs]adj. cruel and showing no kindness or forgiveness

    aeronaut:['ɛrənɔt]n. 飞船或气球驾驶员

    lullaby:['lʌlə'bai]n. 摇篮曲;催眠曲

    cricket:n. 蟋蟀

    chirp:vi. 吱喳而鸣


    People who had journeyed to see Wilbur when he was "some pig" came back again to see him now that he was "terrific."



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