一、#破茧# 相信人生不会亏待你 你吃的苦、你受的累 你掉进的坑、你走错的路 都会练就独一无二 成熟坚强感恩的你 ——泰戈尔 If you are at peace, no one can hate you, if you don't want to go to hell, if you are at peace, no one can hate you, if you don't look into it, if you are at peace, no one can hate you. Nothing can disturb-"Life is the state of mind." Today, you choose your own happiness in your own life. Only when you are calm can you hear the voice of all things and see the essence of all things. "the essence of all things." Today, you believe that life will not treat you badly, the hardship you have suffered, the pit you fell into, the essence of all things today # broken cocoon # I believe that life will not treat you badly, the hardship you have suffered, the pit you have fallen into, If you take the wrong path, you will develop a unique, mature, strong, grateful you-- Tagore.
二、#心静# 自己的人生自己选择 自己的幸福自己做主 心静才能听到万物的声音 心清才能看到万物的本质 ——《万物的本质》 # peace of mind # choose one's own happiness in one's own life and be in charge of one's own mind in order to hear the voice of all things and see the essence of all things-- "the essence of all things"
三、#想开# 想开了就是净土 想不开就是地狱 你若平和,无人可恨 你若不究,无事能扰 ——《生活活的是心态》 If you are at peace, no one can hate you, nothing can disturb you-- "Life is a state of mind."Life is a state of mind."if you don't look into it, nothing can disturb you." if you think about it, it's the pure land that you can't think about.
四、#顺其自然# 上天不给我的 无论我十指怎样紧扣 仍然走漏 给我的 无论过去我怎么失手 都会拥有 ——三毛 ==小来生活馆-心选好物 # Let nature take its course # God didn't give it to me no matter how tightly I clasped my fingers and still leaked it to me. No matter how I missed in the past, I would have-- Sanmao = = Xiaolai Life Pavilion-- choose a good thing in my heart.