
作者: 梅花之子 | 来源:发表于2018-08-26 12:48 被阅读364次

    你发现栖息在屋檐上整齐有序排列几乎成一条直线的鸽子吗?尽管事实上我我门不懂鸟语。但是我门能判断这属于其族群的一次盛大聚会。诣在商榷重要的事件。它们井然有序,决定影响其群体形象的要事。聪明的鸽子呈现出这种独树一帜的现象,何况称之为高等动物的人类?Have you spotted the pigeons lingering on the top of the red eaves and the leader resting at the highest point approximately in a straight line.In spite of the fact that we have no possibility to grasp the birds ‘ language,we judge that it belongs to a splendid gathering to bargain the significant issue in the group.They are in order and determine what will emerge among them and devote to benefiting themselves and thereby maintain the community’s status. The smart pigeons present such a marvelous phenomenon.What about the advanced human?


    当代新生们通常面临着军训。其深远的影响被大众所认可。最初的懒散状态被激情澎湃和精力旺盛所取代。内心的变化无与伦比。军队的品质源于恶劣的环境中遇强则强。英国前首相温斯顿丘吉尔曾说过,态度高于一切。酷暑炎热,热浪袭袭,毫无遮盖的操场考验着受训者的意志和决心。暴晒于明晃晃的太阳下,汗水流进眼睛里,咸咸的涩涩的睁不开眼睛。他们岿然不动,任凭其流淌。这种坚韧不拔的品质意味着其悠久的影响。克服慵懒的享乐观念,延续到将来的学习和工作之中。Contemporarily the freshmen are trained strictly by the soldiers which is a convention whose profound impact is acknowledged by the masses. The original leisure state is gradually replaced by the spiritual energy and enthusiasm which reflects the inherent changes. The military army ‘s quality lies in powerful power and challenge the terrible situation.Attitude is superior to everything as the previous British prime minister Winston Churchill’s proverb says. The hotness strikes the flat playground which is testing the will and determination of the trainees exposed to the sun. The sweat flows down through the kids’ foreheads into the eyes which is salty to hurt the alert eyes.Wheretheas  they don’t wipe the sweat leaving it running which reveals the determined quality.Through the unforgettable procedure they are bound to overcome cosy concepts which will continue the latter influence in their longstanding lifestyles including their studies and futural work.


    军官们当年的大学入学考试成绩名列前茅。他们为军训的学生们树立了光辉的榜样,像他们一样保家护航。他们被杰出的大学录取,进一步深造军事常识。国家的强盛需要智慧型的人才操作精良的器械。They are admitted into the first-class universities to further the military common sense. The power of the country requires the intelligent and complicated experts to operate the well-equipped machinery.The trainers come from the military army whose former entrance results rank the top locations.They set  the marvelous examples for the youngsters who swear to be outstanding like them to guard our homeland.


    成就的取得未必是外力的强迫,而是世代的传承和延续。限制反映着规章,人们愿意遵循。随着社会的进步,美德彰显出魅力无限。个人的涵养浮出水面。最根本之处在于你不能打扰到别人。合作的理念源于尊重。The achievement is not necessarily enforced by the outside power, which is inherited from generation to generation.The restriction represents the rule that people are willing to observe.With the development of society, the virtue reveals its attraction.In public the quality of the individuals is exposed to the surface. The basic principles are that you cannot disturb the surrounding persons.It is respectable that when you cooperate with someone else.


    所有这一切确保了潺潺溪流环绕着悠然宁静的别墅,居民悠然自得惬意地生活其中。倘若一切未加限制,河水将被污染,环境遭至破坏。珍惜当下,享受生活品质。All ensures the peaceful stream flowing surrounding the villas providing the marvelous conditions for the residents.If everything is beyond limitation then the water will be polluted seriously and the environment is damaged by the excessive development.Perish the contemporary matter and appreciate the quality of life.



      • 翰墨诗韵:随着社会的进步,美德彰显出魅力无限。个人的涵养浮出水面。最根本之处在于你不能打扰到别人。合作的理念源于尊重。

      • 任铁玲:给力👍收录
        梅花之子:@任铁玲 晚上快乐。舒适的秋夜凉爽滋润,听着音乐,品读佳作,有趣的时光。
      • 回眸一笑笑:双文教学,厉害!
      • 怀远将军:双文教学,这么给力^_^
        梅花之子:@怀远将军 必须双语,民族的,兼采他山之石。

