

作者: 亦人之凡 | 来源:发表于2019-07-08 13:02 被阅读0次

Help is I want to help, I want to do is stupid, you don't want me to help you; but I don't want to, but you have to Dutch act now I can promise you, first, don't do anything stupid, but I want to help you, but you must help, they will have to die, I will protect you use my life to protect you, with all my everything to protect you, I will use the exercise every day to remind myself. This question, I will definitely help, will help, so I'll find the person who can help me, try my best to help you and strength, I must kill them, I'd rather to jail, kill them, kill them, so I must be a time traveler, or I have to kill them. Do not call Peng Yifan, I must, absolutely, kill them, I will ask you later, when you violated what it is, I will be ready for a few hours before that day, kill him, and then change the history, you can live at ease, so I have to exercise every day, I will to kill them.


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