笃学奖-Topic2-A 14571甘比精读

笃学奖-Topic2-A 14571甘比精读

作者: JohnsonZora | 来源:发表于2017-03-07 23:58 被阅读0次

<Renewable energy >A world turned. upside down

Vocabulary<day 8>

Blow across: 吹过,刮过

turbine: 涡轮机

Panels 控制板

emission-trading 碳排放交易

revenue -neutral 税收中性

semi-offical 半官方的

Subsidy -driven 补贴驱动

Sports hall 体育馆

Significant words


①N.  when someone finances something such as a project or a purchase, they provide the money that is needed to pay for them

Eg. The fund has been used largely to finance the construction of federal prisons

②N. Finance is the commercial or government activity of managing money, debt, credit, and investment.

Eg. The report recommends an overhaul of public finances.

③N. You can refer to the amount for money that you have tand how well it is organized as your finances.

Eg. In general, women manage the day to day finances but leave most longer term decisions to men


N .Manure is animal faces, sometimes mixed with chemicals, that is spread on the grand in order to make plants grow healthy and strong.

Eg. There isn't time to dig deeply and put in manure or compost.


Gas, especially methane, that is produced by dead plants and that can be burned to produce heat.

Eg. Meanwhile, the specialties and technical resources of related biogas plants were analyzed.


①V .If something such as the value of something slumps, if falls suddenly and by a large amount.

Eg. Net profits slumped by 41%.

②V . If you slump somewhere, you fall or sit down there heavily, for example because you are very tire or you feel ill.

Eg. She slumped into a chair.

③N. A slump is a time when many people in a country are unemployed and poor.

Eg. The slump of the early 1980s.


①N. If there is a glut of something, there is so much of it that it cannot all be sold or used.

Eg. Thers 's a glut of agricultural products in Western Europe.

V. If a market is glutted with something, there is a glut of that thing.

Eg.The region is glutted with hospitals.


Havoc is  great disorder,and confusion.

Eg. Rioters caused havoc in the central of the town.

Phrase, play havoc with

Eg. Drug addiction soon played havoc with his career.


Adj. Something that is eternal lasts for erver.

Whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.

Adj. If you describe something as eternal, you mean that it seems to last forever, often because you think it is boring or annoying.

Eg. In the background was that eternal hum.


Adj. You use perennial to describe situations or states that keep occuring or which seem to exist all the time, uesed especially to describe problems or difficulties.

Eg. There 's a perennial shortage of teachers with science qualifications .


Phrase .If workers work to rule, they protest by working according to the rules of their job without doing any extra work or taking any new decisions.

Eg. Nurses are continuing to work to rule.


V. If someone picks up your pocket, they steal something from your pocket, usually without you noticing.

Eg. They were more in danger of having their pockets picked than being shot at.


To be disruptivemeans to prevent something from continuing or operating in a normal way.

Eg. Violence was anathema to them.


Adj. Stark choices or statements are harsh and unpleasant.

Eg. UK companies face astark choice if they want to stay competitive.

Adj. If two things are in stark contrast to one another, they are very different from each other in a way that is very obvious.

Eg. Angus ·s childlike paintings contrast starkly with his adult subject matter in those portraits

Adj. Something that is stark is very plain in appearance.

The desert was luminous, starkly beautiful.


adj. If you describe something as marginal ,you mean that is small or not very important.

Eg. This is a marginal inprovement on October.


Phrase. If you describe someone as a square peg in a ground hole.,you mean that they are in a situation or doing something that does mot suit them at all.

Eg. Taylor is clearly the wrong man for the job –a square peg in a round hole.

subsidy :

N. A subsidy is money that is paid by a goverment , other authrrity in order to help an industry or bussiness,or to pay for a public service,

eg,They have also slashed state substidies to utillties and than spar that


V.When you blush,you face become reder than usual before,you are ashamed or embarrassed,

Eg. I blushed scaelet at my stupidity.


N.An incumbent is someone who holds  an official post at a particular time.

eg.In general ,incumbents have a 94 percent chance of being realcted

adi. If it is incumbent upon you to do something , it is your duty or responsibility to do it,

eg, it is incumbent upon all of us to make an extra effort.


N.V A auction is a public sale where goods are sold to thr person who offers the highest price.

Eg. .....Lord salisbury bought the picture at auction in london some years ago .

v. I f something is auctioned ,it is sold in an auction.

.eg. ....Eight drawings by French artist Jean Cocteau will be auctioned mext week.


v.If you slash something ,you make along ,deep cut it.

..eg..He came within 2 min of bleeding to death fter slashing his wrists

v. If you slash at a person or thing ,you quickly hit at them with something such as a knife.

...eg. ..He slashed at her,amzing carefully.

Is understand and there is no more suffering or desire .

eg. a sense of deep peace and spiritual enlightenment.

V. To slash something as costs or jobs means to reduce them by a large amant .

.....Can makers could be found to slash prices after being accused of charging yesterday.


N.Enligenment means the act of enlightening or the state of being enlightened.

Eg.Stella had a moment of enlightenment.

N.In Buddhism,enlightenment is afinal spiritual state which everything is understand and there is no more suffering or desire .

eg. a sense of deep peace and spiritual enlightenment.



      本文标题:笃学奖-Topic2-A 14571甘比精读
