Calculating Accuracy and Reliabi

Calculating Accuracy and Reliabi

作者: jilingxf | 来源:发表于2020-05-17 15:12 被阅读0次

Calculating Accuracy and Reliability of Random EffectEstimates with ASReml-R


工作当中遇到问题,想要计算育种值的准确性,以查找准确性较低的猪只原因和使用的时候注意,翻了半天的文章,最后还是决定看一篇https://www.vsni.co.uk/case-studies/reliability上的英文文献,现在大致上能够知道意思,,由于是第一次写,公式特别多,不在一一改了,原文上传到百度网盘上,链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/12cGsfkKn9CKCRXxC6cm44A 提取码:gmss

An important aimwhen fitting linear mixed models (LMM) is the use of random effect estimates.In some analyses, such as genetic evaluations, the main objective of theanalysis is to obtain these estimates. Random effects, also known as BLUPs(best linear unbiased estimations), are obtained after fitting a LMM, wheretheir variance components are estimated by residual maximum likelihood (REML)and these values are used to calculate BLUPs.


maximum likelihood, REML)估计,这些值用于计算BLUPs。

Consider the following LMM for a genetic experiment, where we have arandomized complete block design withbbblocks and a total ofttgenotypesevaluated:



whereyijisthe phenotypic observation of the ith genotype on the jth block;μis the overall mean;βjisthe fixed effect of the ith block[if !supportAnnotations][Alex1][endif] ;aiisthe random effect of the ith genotype, withai∼N(0,[if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif]) that isassociated with some information about pedigree, from which we can obtain apedigree-based or genomic-based relationship matrixA; andϵijis therandom residual withϵi∼N(0,σ2).

yij是第i个基因型j区块的表型值;μ总体均值;βj是第i个区块[if !supportAnnotations][Alex2][endif] 的固定效应;ai第i个基因型的随机效应,ai∼N(0,[if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif])与一些相关背景信息,从中我们可以获得一个基于系谱或基于基因型的关系矩阵A;ϵij随机残差 服从ϵi∼N(0,σ2)。

In the above model, also known as Animal Model, theaiairandom effects correspond to the breeding value(BV) from which selections of future progenitors or individuals will be done.As these effects are based on estimated variance components, then they areoften known as EBVs (estimated breeding values). Statistically, thematrixAAis critical as it is the place were we specifythecorrelations or dependenciesthat exist betweenrandom effects.


As many breeding and commercial decisions depend on the EBVs it isimportant to have an assessment of ourconfidencein thesevalues, and this is done by calculating a statistical measure of precision.Probably the most common statistic used to assess these effects is thecalculation of thecorrelation between true and predicted random

effects,r(a,[if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif]), also known asaccuracy. Thiscan be calculated using the following expression for a given genotype as:

由于许多育种和商业决策依赖于ebv,因此重要的是对我们对这些值的信心进行评估,这是通过计算精确的统计度量来完成的。评估这些效应最常用的统计数据可能是计算真实随机效应和预测随机效应之间的相关性,即r(a,[if !msEquation][if !vml]


r(ai,[if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif])=[if !msEquation][if !vml]


This formula requires the PEV (predictor error variance) of [if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif], which correspondsto the square of the standard error (SE) of the random effect estimate,i.e. PEV([if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif])=SE[if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif]. Most

statistical software will report these SE values, including SAS and ASReml. In

addition, we have[if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif], which is thepopulation estimate of the variance associated with the EBVs, and this is ourgenetic additive variance, which is used to calculate narrow-sense heritability(h2)h2).

这个公式需要 [if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif]的PEV(预测误差方差),它对应于随机效应估计的标准误差(SE)的平方,即 PEV([if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif])=SE[if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif]。大多数统计软件将报告这些SE值,包括SAS和ASReml。此外,我们有[if !msEquation][if !vml]


According to statistical theory, the values of PEV will range from zero to

the [if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif]. In cases where

we have full information about a given genotype, then the PEV will be close to

zero as we have little uncertainty in the true additive value of a genotype,

hence, [if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif]=ai. However, when

there is very little information, then the PEV will approximate to [if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif]. Note thatthese extreme values of PEV translate inr(a,a^)r(a,a^)valuesof 1.0 and 0.0, respectively. Therefore, values closer to 1.0 are an indicationof very good quality of a given additive effect estimate.

根据统计理论,PEV的值将范围从零到[if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif]。在我们对一个基因型有完整信息的情况下,PEV将接近于零,因为我们对一个基因型的真实加值几乎没有不确定性,因此[if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif]=ai。然而,当很少有信息,然后[if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif]和PEV将近似。注意,这些PEV的极值分别转换为r(a,[if !msEquation][if !vml]


Sometimes, youwill seereliabilityinstead ofaccuracyreported,where the former is the square of the later. Both statistics are commonly usedwhen reporting the quality of a random effect estimate in genetic studies.


r(ai,[if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif])2=[if !msEquation][if !vml]


To illustratethe above calculations, we used genetic data originating from a trial on apopulation of cultivated two-row spring barley. The original trial measuredheight (cm) of plants grown in pots during 2011 for a total of 856 lines;however, the available data for this analysis consists of the adjusted meanvalues of only 478 lines, together with their molecular information. Furtherdetails can be found in Oakleyet al. (2016).


In our example,we obtained the realized relationship matrix from the single nucleotidepolymorphism (SNP) marker information available for these 478 lines, and anAnimal Model was fitted considering this genomic matrix. This was done in thepackage R using the library ASReml-R, and the code used to fit this model was:


modelGBLUP  <- asreml(fixed=Hadj11~1,

                     random=~vm(lines, ainv),



Here, the response variable wasHadj11Hadj11andour single random effect is the factorlinesthatrepresents our additive effects, and this is associated with the inverse of therelationship matrixainv. In addition, in the above code itwas requested that observations with missing data (i.e.,NANA) in their response variable will be included in theanalyses. This allowed us to obtain EBVs for all individuals, even those thatwere not phenotyped but that were included in the relationship matrix.

The aboveanalysis, using the following code



vc <-  summary(modelGBLUP)$varcomp

will output thefollowing estimation of variance components.



vm(lines,  ainv)34.941597.8801384.434134P0.4


These values correspond to a narrow-sense heritabilityh2of 0.478(±0.097) for the adjusted mean of height.Hence, the trait Hadj11has a strong genetic control. Now, we canproceed to request the BLUP (or EBV) values together with their standarderrors, this is done using the code:


BLUP <-  summary(modelGBLUP, coef=TRUE)$coef.random

Below we can seea subset of this list with the top 10 and bottom 10 genotypes sorted by theirSE values.



vm(lines,  ainv)_LENTA5.83473.94821.477815.58850.74420.5539

vm(lines,  ainv)_PALLAS5.11383.98071.284615.84620.73930.5465

vm(lines,  ainv)_CHARIOT1.14943.98590.288415.88710.73850.5453

vm(lines,  ainv)_CLASS-7.64293.9874-1.916815.89900.73820.5450

vm(lines,  ainv)_BONUS7.92053.98971.985315.91760.73790.5445

vm(lines, ainv)_TOKEN-7.85753.9930-1.967815.94400.73740.5437

vm(lines,  ainv)_MAJA9.92814.00222.480616.01780.73590.5416

vm(lines,  ainv)_PRESTIGE-8.42054.0184-2.095516.14770.73340.5379

vm(lines,  ainv)_ASPEN-4.14114.0456-1.023616.36700.72910.5316

vm(lines,  ainv)_CORNICHE-1.61224.0546-0.397616.43940.72770.5295


vm(lines,  ainv)_FREJA28.01774.82605.805623.29020.57750.3335

vm(lines,  ainv)_DASIO-8.59694.8376-1.777123.40280.57470.3302

vm(lines,  ainv)_KESTREL-0.43034.8644-0.088523.66230.56820.3228

vm(lines,  ainv)_GAIRDNER5.31704.91881.081024.19440.55460.3076

vm(lines,  ainv)_STELLA15.14224.92733.073124.27810.55240.3052

vm(lines, ainv)_LOGAN5.76014.97161.158624.71700.54090.2926

vm(lines,  ainv)_CLARA9.48745.38701.761229.01970.41170.1695

vm(lines,  ainv)_MARESI1.54495.74480.268933.00320.23550.0555

vm(lines,  ainv)_FLICK SEJET-8.54435.8523-1.460034.24900.14080.0198

vm(lines,  ainv)_BEKA16.59086.09922.720237.2001NaN-0.0646

The EBV estimates for this data are positive and negative, as theyrepresent deviations from the overall height mean. For example, the genotypeFREJA has an EBV of+28.02indicating that, if this parentis crossed with a parent of equal genetic worth, its progeny will have anexpected deviation from the mean of+28cm. The full range ofEBVs is between −14.54cm to43.30cm, a wide intervalconsidering that the mean of the population is 88.03cm, and this is aresult of the relatively large heritability value found for this trait.


Also, there is an interesting range in SE values from 3.949to 6.105. The width ofthis range is related to the level of genetic relationships betweenindividuals, that is specified through the matrixA. Genotypes with manyrelatives willshareorcollectinformation from many phenotypicresponses, and therefore they will have lower SE values; in contrast,individuals with few, or no relatives, will tend to have much higher SE values.However, it is also possible that individuals with no phenotypic data will havelarge SE values, unless they have many relatives to help with the estimation oftheir EBVs.


Now, we can

proceed to calculate the accuracy and reliability using the expressions shown

before, with the code。


Va <-  vc[1,1]

BLUP$PEV <-  BLUP$std.error^2

BLUP$accuracy  <- sqrt(1 - BLUP$PEV/Va)

BLUP$reliability  <- 1 - BLUP$PEV/Va


Va <- vc[1,1]

PEV <- BLUP[,2]^2

accuracy <- sqrt(1  - PEV/Va)

reliability <-  1 - PEV/Va

And now we canobserve these calculated values for a subset of the top 10 and bottom 10individuals.



vm(lines,  ainv)_LENTA15.58850.74420.5539

vm(lines,  ainv)_PALLAS15.84620.73930.5465

vm(lines,  ainv)_CHARIOT15.88710.73850.5453

vm(lines,  ainv)_CLASS15.89900.73820.5450

vm(lines,  ainv)_BONUS15.91760.73790.5445

vm(lines,  ainv)_TOKEN15.94400.73740.5437

vm(lines,  ainv)_MAJA16.01780.73590.5416

vm(lines,  ainv)_PRESTIGE16.14770.73340.5379

vm(lines,  ainv)_ASPEN16.36700.72910.5316

vm(lines, ainv)_CORNICHE16.43940.72770.5295


vm(lines,  ainv)_FREJA23.29020.57750.3335

vm(lines,  ainv)_DASIO23.40280.57470.3302

vm(lines,  ainv)_KESTREL23.66230.56820.3228

vm(lines,  ainv)_GAIRDNER24.19440.55460.3076

vm(lines,  ainv)_STELLA24.27810.55240.3052

vm(lines,  ainv)_LOGAN24.71700.54090.2926

vm(lines,  ainv)_CLARA29.01970.41170.1695

vm(lines,  ainv)_MARESI33.00320.23550.0555

vm(lines,  ainv)_FLICK SEJET34.24900.14080.0198

vm(lines,  ainv)_BEKA37.2001NaN-0.0646

For this trait, the range of correlation between true and predicted

breeding values, r(a,[if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif]) , is from 0.134 to 0.744, and the lowest accuracy and reliability values

correspond to individuals with the largest SE values. Note that the

genotype BEKA has a NaN for accuracy, which

originates from a negative square root, as this BLUP has an SE that is larger

than [if !msEquation][if !vml]


对于该性状,真实值与预测育种值r(a,[if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif])的相关范围为0.134~ 0.744,正确率和信度最低的个体对应的SE值最大。注意,基因型BEKA是NaN的准确性,源于一个负的平方根,因为这BLUP的SE大于[if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif]。[if !vml]


In the above figure we present a boxplot of the accuracy values (left

plot) and a scatterplot of the PEV against accuracy (right plot). It is clear

from these plots that there is a group of three observations with very poor

accuracy that have r(a,[if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif]) values lowerthan0.41. However, the majority of the observations are foundwith accuracy values of0.54 or higher, where some of themreach values as high as0.74.

在上面的图中,我们给出了精度值的箱线图(左边的图)和PEV相对于精度的散点图(右边的图)。从这些图中可以明显看出,有一组精度很差的三个观测值,其r(a,[if !msEquation][if !vml]


It is interesting to speculate what the reasons could be for these threelower observations (genotypes CLARA, MARESIand FLICK SEJET) togetherwith theNaN observation (genotype BEKA), to be sodifferent from the rest of the population. The unusual behavior of these fourobservations is likely to reflect errors in their information, includingphenotypic response (maybe a potential outlier), or incorrect geneticrelationships (due to pedigree or genotyping errors).

推测这三个较低的观察值(基因型为CLARA、MARESI和FLICK SEJET)和NaN观察值(基因型为BEKA)如此不同于其他个体的原因是很有趣的。这四个观察的不寻常行为可能反映了他们的信息错误,包括表型值(可能是一个潜在的异常值),或不正确的遗传关系(由于系谱或基因分型错误)。

In summary, we have calculated values of accuracy and reliability for the

estimation of random effects from an Animal Model. For the data analyzed, these

represented a wide range of values, reflecting different levels of precision.

For example, a large value of accuracy r(a,[if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif]),such as 0.90, will indicatethat there is little expected change on the estimation of the EBV if additionalinformation is collected from a given genotype or from its relatives (e.g.,its offspring). Therefore, r(a,[if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif])values provideus with a good measure of our confidence in the genetic evaluation performed.

综上所述,我们已经计算出从动物模型中估计随机效应的准确性和可靠性值。对于所分析的数据,这些代表了广泛的值,反映了不同的精度水平。例如,如果r(a,[if !msEquation][if !vml]

[endif][endif])的精度值很大,例如0.90,就表明如果从一个给定的基因型或从它的亲属(例如,它的后代)收集额外的信息,对EBV的估计就不会有什么预期的变化。因此r(a,[if !msEquation][if !vml]


In our analysis, and in many other genetic analyses, it is critical toconsider the incorporation of the matrixAof geneticrelationships, as it will allow us to improve the estimation of the randomeffects because we have changed our assumption from independent random effectsto a model that considers correlations or dependencies between these randomeffects.


A routine checkof the accuracy and reliability (and indirectly of PEV values), can help tomake future improvements on the quality of the information obtained fromstatistical analyses. For example, we can assess the consequences ofincorporating additional relatives or replicates in future evaluations.Alternatively, these checks can also help to assess the benefits of using morecomplex linear models, such as those that combine multiple traits, measurementsor sites.


Finally, theabove calculations can be extended to any other random effect on all linearmixed models fitted, and their use is recommended to assess the quality of theestimates beyond what a simple standard error will indicate.




Salvador A.Gezan



Oakey, H;Cullis, B; Thompson, R; Comadran, J; Halpin, C; Waugh, R. 2016.Genomic selection in multi-environment crop trials.Genes| Genomes | Genetics 6:1313-1326

Notes: SAG Jan-2020



      本文标题:Calculating Accuracy and Reliabi
