这时传来了Marilyn妈妈去世的消息,Marilyn随即一个人回Virginia处理父母的后事。在旧居里,她翻着家里的相册,小时候的照片,还有一本妈妈用过的菜谱书—— Betty Crocker cookbook。菜谱书里的生活语录没有带给她母亲幸福的家庭生活,反而是一个人孤老终身。Marilyn为好感到悲凉。母亲所有的东西都处理,她仅仅带走了这本菜谱书。

在归家的路上, 大雨滂沱,她一次次想到那个已经空荡荡的家,Betty Cocker's Cookbook菜谱上的一句话:It behooves a good wife to know how to make an egg behave in six basic ways.
Was she sad? Yes. She was sad. About the eggs. About everything.一家四口,这个要单面煎,那个煮蛋,那个要炒蛋。人生怎能浪费在这上面,象她妈妈一样过一生!去它妈的蛋吧!这不是她要的生活。
Marilyn在雨中,仿佛受到了洗礼,带着坚定的信念踏上了回家的路。I will never end up like that.
1. balloon
The air-conditioning shuts off, silence ballooning to fill the room, then the whole department.
The shared bikes have been ballooning since this year, filling spaces of subway stations.
2. bouquet
①花束;Abouquetis a bunch of flowers which is attractively arranged.
Marilyn结婚捧花的花结 “the knots of baby’s breath in her bouquet
a bouquet of baby's breath 一捆满天星

②尤指葡萄酒散发的香味,芬芳;Thebouquetof something, especially wine, is the pleasant smell that it has.
She could spend hours here, drawing the air up and holding it against her palate like the bouquet of a fine wine. Drinking her in.
3. nurse
hold closely and carefully or caressingly
爱护地拿住(攥住, 抱住); 紧紧地捧住(扶住), 小心地扶住(拿着):
Then, after the obligatory round of hellos and how-are-yous, she retreated to the corner, nursing a cup of rum punch.
4. sheet
Halfway across West Virginia the rain grew heavy, sheeting the windshield.
sheet作动词,下大雨,比如Rain sheeted down,在这里大雨敲击着前挡风玻璃。
1. Instead he slipped it into the bottom drawer of his desk and locked it.
slip sth inot the bottom drawer 把什么东西塞在抽屈底下。小时候经常干这种事,各种藏
2. Now James unlocks the drawer, takes a deep breath, and slits the envelope open with his finger.
2. The bookshelf is so full of books that some are crammed in sideways at the top:
3. With one finger, she tugs out the last diary: 1977.
从收架上用一根手指把日记拿出来,我不会用tug out, 估计只会用 take out。
4. The key is missing, but Marilyn jams the tip of a ballpoint into the catch and forces the flimsy lock open.
