On Writing Well Day 16 Chapter 1

On Writing Well Day 16 Chapter 1

作者: MollyAllez | 来源:发表于2017-11-16 21:31 被阅读0次

I. Words & Expressions

The sentence is vague, giving us a whiff of the movie's mood but no image we can visualize.

a whiff of  一点点,些许

eg. When I was walking around the street at night, I felt a whiff of danger.

They will trot out the hard-won words of their college education.

trot out 

bring out and show for inspection and admiration  (非正式)重复翻出(老一套的借口和理由)

eg. Steve trotted out the same excuse.

trot (马)疾步走、小跑

eg. He trotted off and came back a couple of minutes, holding a book.

Quote a few of his gaudy and unusual sentences and let the reader see how quirky they are.


Something that's gaudy is showy, bright and definitely tacky. 花哨的

eg. She often wears some guady jewleries.


informal terms; strikingly unconventional 稀奇古怪的

eg. I like his quirky sense of humor.

II. Summary & Reflection

本章节内容主要介绍艺术题材(Critics & Columnist)Zinsser详细给我们指出reviewer和critic的区别。


1.One is that critics should like, or better still love, the medium they are reviewing.

2.Another rule is: don’t give away too much of the plot.

3.A third principle is to use specific detail.

4.A final caution is to avoid the ecstatic adjectives that occupy such disproportionate space in every critic’s quiver words.


This is criticism at its best: stylish, allusive, disturbing.


You must make an immediate effort to orient your readers to the special world they are about to enter.

平常的评论和专栏看得比较少,以前是会经常阅读China Daily,后来是发现也还是要多阅读国外的一些专栏和评论,譬如《经济学人》,国内外的文章对待同一问题可能有不同的见解。



      本文标题:On Writing Well Day 16 Chapter 1
