1、今天我们开始了Midi 英语预备级第一单元My face 的学习,主要强调了eyes 和nose这两个词 2引导句型:
What are they ?
They are eyes
What is this ?
It's a nose
2.本周我们主要强调了father mother grandfather grandmother这四个词
Who is she?
She is the mother/grandmother
Who is he ?
He is the father/grandfather
A ant 蚂蚁
B bear 熊
C cat 猫
D dog 狗
E elephant 大象
F frog 青蛙
G gorilla 大猩猩
H hippo 河马
I iguana鬣蜥
J jaguar 美洲豹
K kangaroo 袋鼠
L lion 狮子
M monkey 猴子
N newt 蝾螈
O octopus 章鱼
P penguin企鹅
Q quail 鹌鹑
R racoon 浣熊
S seal 海豹
T turtle 龟
U umbrellabird 伞鸟
V vulture 秃鹫
W whale 鲸鱼
X x-ray fish 大颚细锯脂鲤
Y yak 牦牛
Z zebra 斑马
主要强调了两个单词brother 和 sister两个单词 2家中引导 Who's she? She's the mother She's the grandmother She's the sister Who's he? He's the father He's the grandfather He's the brother 3CD和DVD亲们可以用起来哦。
5.@ all 本周内容:
Where is she ?
Where is he ?
Is the mother/grandmother/sister/father /grandfather/brother a he or a she ?
A he /a she
Little bee 。