1. Drawable.Callback接口
Drawable.Callback 一般用于Drawable动画的回调控制,所有的Drawable子类都应该支持这个类,否则动画将无法在View上正常工作(View是实现了这个接口与BackgroundDrawable进行交互的)。像这篇文章就是分析点击效果(selector)的原理-----Android Drawable 分析。
public static interface Callback {
* 当drawable重画时触发,这个点上drawable将被置为不可用(起码drawable展示部分不可用)
* @param 要求重画的drawable
public void invalidateDrawable(Drawable who);
* drawable可以通过该方法来安排动画的下一帧。可以仅仅简单的调用postAtTime(Runnable, Object, long)来实现该方法。参数分别与方法的参数对
* @param who The drawable being scheduled.
* @param what The action to execute.
* @param when The time (in milliseconds) to run
public void scheduleDrawable(Drawable who, Runnable what, long when);
*可以用于取消先前通过scheduleDrawable(Drawable who, Runnable what, long when)调度的某一帧。可以通过调用removeCallbacks(Runnable,Object)来实现
* @param who The drawable being unscheduled.
* @param what The action being unscheduled.
public void unscheduleDrawable(Drawable who, Runnable what);
2. gif-drawable控件
gif-Drawable一共提供了3中可以显示动态图片的控件:GifImageView 、GifImageButton和GifTextView。当需要赋的图像值是gif格式的图片的时候,会显示动态图片,如果是普通的静态图片,例如是png,jpg的,这个时候,gifImageView等这些控件的效果和ImageView是一样的,也就是说gif-drawable比ImageView更强大,使用的时候跟一般的控件一样。
3. GifDrawable类
//asset file
GifDrawable gifFromAssets = new GifDrawable( getAssets(), "anim.gif" );
//resource (drawable or raw)
GifDrawable gifFromResource = new GifDrawable( getResources(), R.drawable.anim );
//byte array
byte[] rawGifBytes = ...
GifDrawable gifFromBytes = new GifDrawable( rawGifBytes );
FileDescriptor fd = new RandomAccessFile( "/path/anim.gif", "r" ).getFD();
GifDrawable gifFromFd = new GifDrawable( fd );
//file path
GifDrawable gifFromPath = new GifDrawable( "/path/anim.gif" );
File gifFile = new File(getFilesDir(),"anim.gif");
GifDrawable gifFromFile = new GifDrawable(gifFile);
AssetFileDescriptor afd = getAssets().openFd( "anim.gif" );
GifDrawable gifFromAfd = new GifDrawable( afd );
//InputStream (it must support marking)
InputStream sourceIs = ...
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream( sourceIs, GIF_LENGTH );
GifDrawable gifFromStream = new GifDrawable( bis );
//direct ByteBuffer
ByteBuffer rawGifBytes = ...
GifDrawable gifFromBytes = new GifDrawable( rawGifBytes );
- stop() - stops the animation, can be called from any thread
- start() - starts the animation, can be called from any thread
- isRunning() - returns whether animation is currently running or not
- reset() - rewinds the animation, does not restart stopped one
- setSpeed(float factor) - sets new animation speed factor, eg. passing 2.0f will double the animation speed
- seekTo(int position) - seeks animation (within current loop) to given position (in milliseconds) Only seeking forward is - supported
- getDuration() - returns duration of one loop of the animation
- getCurrentPosition() - returns elapsed time from the beginning of a current loop of animation
- getLoopCount() - returns a loop count as defined in NETSCAPE 2.0 extension
- getNumberOfFrames() - returns number of frames (at least 1)
- getComment() - returns comment text (null if GIF has no comment)
- getFrameByteCount() - returns minimum number of bytes that can be used to store pixels of the single frame
- getAllocationByteCount() - returns size (in bytes) of the allocated memory used to store pixels of given GifDrawable
- getInputSourceByteCount() - returns length (in bytes) of the backing input data
- toString() - returns human readable information about image size and number of frames (intended for debugging purpose)
- 表情的匹配和表情的复用
- 一个TextView里面可能会有很多表情,应该由具有什么特征的表情对该TextView进行刷新操作
从服务器获取到的表情一般表示 [大笑] ,因此表情的匹配可以利用正则表达式进行匹配,从而找到正确的表情对象GifDrawable,然后作为Spanable中的ImageSpan在TextView进行播放。
public class EmotionManager {
private static final int[] EMOTIONS_IDS = {}; //存储表情的Drawable ID
private static final String[] EMOTIONS_EXPRESSES = {"[大笑]"}; //表情对应的含义
private static ConcurrentHashMap<String, WeakReference<GifDrawable>> emotionCacheMap = null; //表情复用
private static GifDrawable getEmotion(Resources resources, String expression) {
if(emotionCacheMap == null) {
emotionCacheMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
WeakReference<GifDrawable> reference = emotionCacheMap.get(expression);
if(reference != null && reference.get() != null) {
return reference.get();
} else {
public class EmotionGifDrawable extends GifDrawable {
private GifDrawableCallBack callBack;
private ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, WeakReference<TextView>> textViewMap; //GifDrawbale需要刷新的TextView列表
public EmotionGifDrawable(@NonNull Resources resources, @DrawableRes @RawRes int id) throws Resources.NotFoundException, IOException{
super(resources, id);
textViewMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
callBack = new GifDrawableCallBack();
setCallback(callBack); //设置回调函数
private void addTextView(TextView textview) {
//从TextView刷新列表中移除, ListView复用需要进行移除
private void removeTextView(TextView textView) {
class GifDrawableCallBack implements Callback {
public void invalidateDrawable(Drawable who) {
for(Map.Entry<Integer, WeakReference<TextView>> entry : textViewMap.entrySet()) {
if(entry.getValue().get() != null) {
entry.getValue().get().invalidate(); //回调进行TextView强制刷新操作
public void scheduleDrawable(Drawable who, Runnable what, long when) {
public void unscheduleDrawable(Drawable who, Runnable what) {
int minFrameinterval = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
while(matcher.find()) { //匹配到表情
GifDrawable gifDrawable = EmotionManager.getEmotion(resources, matcher.group()); //获取表情
if(gifDrawable != null) {
int tempFrameInteval = gifDrawable.getDuration() / gifDrawable.getFrameByteCount(); //计算帧间隔
if(tempFrameInteval < minFrameinterval) {
maxFrequencyDrawable = gifDrawable; //找到频率最高即帧间隔最短的Drawable
minFrameinterval = tempFrameInteval;