《汤姆·索亚历险记》(The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)是美国小说家马克·吐温1876年发表的长篇小说。
CHAPTER 4 Part 3
alleys n. 小巷,大巷(alley的复数);大街小巷
conspicuous [kənˈspɪkjuəs] adj. 显著的;显而易见的
grievous [ˈɡriːvəs] adj. 痛苦的;剧烈的
idiot [ˈɪdiət] n. (非正式)笨蛋;白痴;智障人
misfortune [ˌmɪsˈfɔːtʃuːn] n. 不幸;灾祸,灾难
noteworthy [ˈnəʊtwɜːði] adj. 值得注意的;显著的
parentage [ˈpeərəntɪdʒ] n. 出身;亲子关系;门第;起源
plainly [ˈpleɪnli] adv. 明白地;坦率地;平坦地;朴素地
recitation [ˌresɪˈteɪʃn] n. 背诵;朗诵;详述;背诵的诗
Scripture [ˈskrɪptʃə(r)] n. (大写)圣经;手稿;(大写)圣经的一句;n. (Scripture...
superintendent [ˌsuːpərɪnˈtendənt; ˌsjuːpərɪnˈtendənt] n. 监督人;负责人;主管;指挥者
eclat n. 大成功;喝彩;辉煌的成就
reprimand [ˈreprɪmɑːnd] n. 谴责;训斥;申诉;vt. 谴责;训斥;责难
unquestionably [ʌnˈkwestʃənəbli] adv. 无可非议地;确凿地,肯定地
waylaid [,we'led] v. 伏击(waylay的过去分词)
Dore [dɔ:'rei] n. 多尔(男子名)
older ['əʊldə] adj. 年长的;较旧的;n. (Older)人名;(英)奥尔德
"Say, Billy, got a yaller ticket?"
"What'll you take for her?"
"What'll you give?"
"Piece of lickrish and a fish–hook."
"Less see 'em."
Tom exhibited. They were satisfactory, and the property changed hands. Then Tom traded a couple of white 小巷,大巷 for three red tickets, and some small trifle or other for a couple of blue ones. He
伏击 other boys as they came, and went on buying tickets of various colors ten or fifteen minutes longer. He entered the church, now, with a swarm of clean and noisy boys and girls, proceeded to his seat and started a quarrel with the first boy that came handy. The teacher, a grave, elderly man, interfered; then turned his back a moment and Tom pulled a boy's hair in the next bench, and was absorbed in his book when the boy turned around; stuck a pin in another boy, presently, in order to hear him say "Ouch!" and got a new
谴责;训斥;申诉 from his teacher. Tom's whole class were of a pattern—restless, noisy, and troublesome. When they came to recite their lessons, not one of them knew his verses perfectly, but had to be prompted all along. However, they worried through, and each got his reward—in small blue tickets, each with a passage of
圣经 on it; each blue ticket was pay for two verses of the
背诵 . Ten blue tickets equalled a red one, and could be exchanged for it; ten red tickets equalled a yellow one; for ten yellow tickets the
监督人 gave a very
明白地 bound Bible (worth forty cents in those easy times) to the pupil. How many of my readers would have the industry and application to memorize two thousand verses, even for a
多尔 Bible? And yet Mary had acquired two Bibles in this way—it was the patient work of two years—and a boy of German
出身 had won four or five. He once recited three thousand verses without stopping; but the strain upon his mental faculties was too great, and he was little better than an
笨蛋 from that day forth—a
不幸 for the school, for on great occasions, before company, the superintendent (as Tom expressed it) had always made this boy come out and "spread himself." Only the
年长的;较旧的 pupils managed to keep their tickets and stick to their tedious work long enough to get a Bible, and so the delivery of one of these prizes was a rare and
值得注意的 circumstance; the successful pupil was so great and
显著的 for that day that on the spot every scholar's heart was fired with a fresh ambition that often lasted a couple of weeks. It is possible that Tom's mental stomach had never really hungered for one of those prizes, but
无可非议地 his entire being had for many a day longed for the glory and the
大成功 that came with it.
abreast [əˈbrest] adv. 并肩地;并排地,并列地;跟上(最近新闻、思想或信息);adj....
customary [ˈkʌstəməri] adj. 习惯的;通常的;n. 习惯法汇编
forefinger [ˈfɔːfɪŋɡə(r)] n. 食指
intonation [ˌɪntəˈneɪʃn] n. 声调,语调;语音的抑扬
laboriously [ləˈbɔːriəsli] adv. 辛苦地;费力地;不流畅地
propped 支撑
solo [ˈsəʊləʊ] n. 独奏;独唱;独奏曲;adj. 独奏的;独唱的;单独的;vt. 单人...
cravat [krəˈvæt] n. 领带;领巾,领结
fringed [frɪndʒd] adj. 具流苏的,具的(等于fringy);加穗的;带边饰的
pulpit [ˈpʊlpɪt] n. 讲道坛;高架操纵台;神职人员
sufferer [ˈsʌfərə(r)] n. 患者;受害者
worldly [ˈwɜːldli] adj. 世俗的;世间的;尘世的;adv. 世俗地;世故地
goatee [ɡəʊˈtiː] n. 山羊胡子
patiently [ˈpeɪʃntli] adv. 耐心地;有毅力地
unconsciously [ʌnˈkɒnʃəsli] adv. 不知不觉;无意识地
In due course the superintendent stood up in front of the 讲道坛 , with a closed hymn–book in his hand and his
食指 inserted between its leaves, and commanded attention. When a Sunday–school superintendent makes his
习惯的;通常的 little speech, a hymn–book in the hand is as necessary as is the inevitable sheet of music in the hand of a singer who stands forward on the platform and sings a
独奏;独唱;独奏曲 at a concert —though why, is a mystery: for neither the hymn–book nor the sheet of music is ever referred to by the
患者 . This superintendent was a slim creature of thirty–five, with a sandy
山羊胡子 and short sandy hair; he wore a stiff standing–collar whose upper edge almost reached his ears and whose sharp points curved forward
并肩地;并排地,并列地 the corners of his mouth—a fence that compelled a straight lookout ahead, and a turning of the whole body when a side view was required; his chin was
支撑 on a spreading
领带 which was as broad and as long as a bank–note, and had
具流苏的,具的 ends; his boot toes were turned sharply up, in the fashion of the day, like sleigh–runners—an effect
耐心地 and
辛苦地 produced by the young men by sitting with their toes pressed against a wall for hours together. Mr. Walters was very earnest of mien, and very sincere and honest at heart; and he held sacred things and places in such reverence, and so separated them from
世俗的;世间的;尘世的 matters, that
不知不觉 to himself his Sunday–school voice had acquired a peculiar
声调,语调 which was wholly absent on week–days. He began after this fashion: