

作者: 喵爪 | 来源:发表于2018-06-13 11:37 被阅读19次


      Most beautifully,when the band had finished its last encore, when

    everybody, even the kids hanging off the rooftops,were chanting “Tito!” he bowed

    to the audience, sent kisses flying and then began to walk off the stage.That’s

    when our lead singer, Santiago, who had passed the concert jumping up and down

    in place, scrambled toward him.

      1,pass (2006-06-63F-30 )continue tosucceededgone byexperienced这题你是不是选的gone

    by ? The day was dawning,and the shepherd urged his sheep in the direction of

    the sun. He drank a bit, and he gathered his jacket closer to his body.

      2,gather (2007-06-65C-10)attachedliftedassembledpulled这题你是不是很想选attached ?

    Every writer has met the guy at the party who says he,too, has always wanted to

    write a novel, if only he had the time,because he’s got such a great story to

    tell.And it seems to me that it’s that same guy asking the questions at the

    reading.Maybe this is why the question rises so often:because the guy really

    wants to know how to do it.

      3,rises (2007-12-65E-26)ascendssoarsswellsmaterializes这题是不是在ascends

    和soars里纠结? To me the world of poetry is a house with thousands of glittering

    windows. Our words and images, land to land, era to era, shed light on one

    another. Our words dissolve the shadows we imagine fall between.


    (2009-12-68A-25)outlinesreflectionsspiritsbarriers这题是不是纠结reflections? The

    telescope would have to be mounted in an enormous wooden gantry,capable of being

    turned safely on its axis by just two workmen, but also susceptible to the

    finest figertip adjustment by the observing astronomer.




      在ACT的Prep Guide第三版里关于题型的部分,对于词汇题有着非常明确的表述:Questions about meanings of words

    ask you to determine from context what a particular word, phrase, or statement

    most nearly means. In some cases, the word or words will probably be unfamiliar

    to you, but even when familiar words are tested, you’ll have to look at the

    context in which they appear to determine the closest synonym or phraphrase.

    这段表述里,大家要重点关注的信息就是determine from


      知道了这一点回头再看到这五道词汇题,首先第一题里,背景是在一个乐队表演的过程中,考察的单词passed放在That’s when our lead

    singer, Santiago, who had passed the concert jumping up and down in place,

    scrambled toward


      第二题里He drank a bit, and he gathered his jacket closer to his


      第三题rise的确和ascend以及soar一样都有上升的意思,但在句子里Maybe this is why the question rises

    so often:because the guy really wants to know how to do


      第四题shadow表示阴影,很多同学误选reflection,而句子Our words and images, land to land, era

    to era, shed light on one another. Our words dissolve the shadows we imagine

    fall between.


    reflections, spirits选有负面性质的barriers隔阂一词。

      最后一题其实很简单,fineset大家太熟悉了,除了表示极好的之外还可以表示细小的意思,搁在此处句中The telescope would have

    to be mounted in an enormous wooden gantry,capable of being turned safely on its

    axis by just two workmen, but also susceptible to the finest figertip adjustment

    by the observing astronomer. but之后表示易受观察的天文学家最为细微的指尖调整的影响,所以对应slightest最为贴切。





