

作者: 红云梦泽 | 来源:发表于2019-10-27 11:30 被阅读0次

1.bearing n.关系,影响; 举止,风度 pl. 方位,方向感; 轴承

get/find/take one's bearings 判明方向,熟悉环境

例: Luke runs into an anteroom and stops to get his bearing.

造句: In order to get enough informations about school, he trying to get his bearings.

have a bearing on 与…相关

例:It would be difficult to deny that poverty, lack of access to safe water, poor housing, poor hygiene and unsanitary conditions all have a strong bearing on the health of the local residents.

造句: It would be difficult to deny that poverty, lack of access to informations and resources, poor family education all have a strong bearing on the academic performance of students.

2.indiscriminate adj. 任意的; 不加分析的,不加鉴别的

例: The terroristic actions are often indiscriminate and happen in many of the residential areas.

造句:Due to his choose of books are indiscriminate, he has a diverse knowleage of the world.

3.formative adj. 形成的; 成长的

例:There are some experience in one's formative years that are unforgettable.

造句: His callous character is due to his being hurt during his formative years.

4.impromptu adj./adv. 即兴的,即席的

例: When Morris is suddenly asked to speak impromptu, his nerves begin to flutter.

造句: He has a capacity to speak impromptu which win his high popularity.

5.acumen n. 敏锐,聪明,洞察力

例: The leader was respected by many people due to his political acumen.

造句: You will get into trouble if you don't have political acumen when you writing.

6.mandate n.授权;任期;委托统治权


例: After protracted consideration the national government had decided to ask for a mandate from the public.

例: Some people suggest the benefit be renewed and even be turned into a mandate. 有民众呼吁应对探亲假规定予以重修,强制执行。

7.delicacy n. 精致,精美; 脆弱; 美味,佳肴; 微妙; 棘手

例: Snails are considered a delicacy in France.

造句: Chicken feet are considered a delicacy in China, which shocked foreigners.

8.range n. 排,行,系列;射程,距离;山脉;范围,幅度

vi.排列,安置; (在一定范围内)变化;漫游,徘徊;延伸

例: A more participatory and social news environment, with a remarkable diversity and range of news sources, is a good thing.

例: Participants of the activity ranged from 20 years old to 60 years old.

例: We use gesture to indicate a wide range of meanings.

in/within range 在射程内

9.sabotage n/vt 阴谋破坏

例: The attack is being seen as a deliberate attempt to sabotage the peace talks.

造句: Their action is being seen as a deliberate attempt to sabotage other country's rights.

10.tumble 领悟,滚动

例: Suddenly I tumbled to the reality that I was being cheated.

After series years of unhappy marriage life, she tumbled to the reality that She had choose the wrong guy.


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