DAY 18

作者: b34d3a912f9d | 来源:发表于2017-11-20 21:54 被阅读9次

2017-11-19 周日


  1. ☀️You will be happy to hear / that no disaster has accompanied the beginning of an enterprise / that has caused you so much worry.
    👉「enterprise」:an undertaking, especially one of some scope, complication, and risk. 尤其指一项雄心勃勃、复杂、且具危险性的事业
    根据句中的断句符号我们可以看出来「hear」后面的部分都是在解释说明所听到的内容,「that has caused you so much worry」修饰「enterprise」,即“让你一直担忧的这项事业”

the Pole」:either of the two points at the most northern and most southern ends of the Earth, around which the Earth turns 地球的极(点),结合此句和前文的「the northern wind」,我们可以知道船长此行的目的地是北极。

There—if we believe those who have already been there—snow and frost disappear; and, sailing over a calm sea, we may be carried to a land of more wonder and beauty than any known on earth.
of more wonder and beauty than any known on earth」中有两个知识点需要点出:
-「of + 名词」=其对应的形容词,比如「of surprise」=「surprising」;
-「more…than any」可以表达“最…”的含义
「there」此处为了强调Walton魂牵梦绕之地,所以把「there」放在了句首,也可以将语序调整为“Snow and frost disappear there”

  1. ☀️Nothing is impossible in a country of eternal light. I may discover the secret of the compass, and make observations that will settle the mysteries of astronomy.
    👉「a country of eternal light」联系上文我们可以知道Walton认为北极点上便是悬挂的太阳,它既然能融化冰霜,也能为这片圣地带来永恒的光明。Walton的想象还是和现实有些联系的,我们如今得知极圈以内的地区每年总有一个时期太阳不落于地平线以下(即极昼现象),而且越靠近南北极点,极昼现象维持的时间越长。北半球到了夏季,北极点附近的白天甚至可以长达半年之久。

sciences of practical importance」注意Walton并不是什么航海知识都摄取的,而是更偏重于其实用价值,因为这是有限时间内最高效的方式

My life might have been passed in ease and comfort, but I preferred glory to every pleasure that wealth placed in my path.
👉「might have been」:本可以,此处Walton是在强调自己是舍弃了本可以安稳度过的日子,而选择了惊险和刺激。
👉「prefer A to B」:比起B更喜欢A,再举一例:I prefer red wine to white.
👉「place」:to put sth. in a particular place, especially when you do it deliberately (有意地)放置,此处Walton选择用「place」这个词的心态其实是相当微妙的,即那些因为伴随着财富而有的快乐是被“放置”在他面前的,而不是他主动追求,这也更强调了他崇尚荣耀的特点。

  1. ☀️Remember me with affection, should you never hear from me again.
    👉同学们读到后半句可能有些疑惑怎么会有「should you never hear from me again」的用法,实际上这里是个省略了「if」的倒装用法,还原回来便是「if you should never hear from me again」,而且在此「should」是意为“万一”的用法,不是“应该”哦~

broad disk 圆平面,盘状物
interest 吸引力
their interest faded
would this book be of any interest to you?

Strengthen one's nerves 神经振奋
snow and frost 冰霜
a voyage of discovery 探险之旅
commit oneself to sth 献身于
raise the spirits of 鼓舞精神



      本文标题:DAY 18
