

作者: 珊大王King | 来源:发表于2018-12-14 09:11 被阅读0次


    1、 It is required that anyone applying for a driver’s license _____ a set of tests.




    D.will take

    2、Don’t be too() about things you are not supposed to know.





    3、You would be () a risk to let your kid go to school by himself.





    4、His handwriting is bad and(      )is worse.





    5、They are working hard to() what they have lost.

    A.make up for

    B.keep up with

    C.catch up with

    D.make out for

    6、 (   )his surprise, the manager found nobody in the meeting room.





    7、()no need to take any kind of vitamin pills if we eat well and properly.

    A.It is


    C.There has

    D.There is

    8、Tom told his mother he was going to go over his lessons but() he went to bed.





    9、Do you agree with me() that?





    10、I like spring. I hope good weather will() .

    A.go on




    11、()that leather shoes are hand-made, the price seems reasonable.

    A.In view of




    12、It was the training that he had as a young man() made him such a good engineer.





    13、She doesn’t speak() her friend, but her written work is excellent.

    A.as well as

    B.so often as

    C.so much as

    D.as good as

    14、She() his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.

    A.looked up

    B.looked for

    C.picked out

    D.picked up

    15、()what the situation would be like, they decided to keep silent.

    A.Knowing not

    B.Not know

    C.Not knowing

    D.Having not known

    16、This room is() as large as that.

    A.a time and a half

    B.one time and a half

    C.one and a half times

    D.one and a half time

    17、Tom (   ) the party as no one saw him there yesterday evening.

    A.can’t attend

    B.mustn’t attend

    C.won’t have attended

    D.couldn’t have attended

    18、They finally got to the village (  )a rainy evening.





    19、When my sister phoned me, I could not hear clearly what she was().





    20、the audience sits in a circle and the performance() in the centre.

    A.takes place

    B.is taken place


    D.is happened

    21、(), the more you are aware of content and meaning.

    A.The more words you are familiar to

    B.The more words you are familiar with

    C.You are familiar to more words

    D.You are familiar with more words

    22、English teachers are() needed in remote areas.





    23、the americans and the british not only speak the same language but also ()a large number of social customs.





    24、He() his leg when he() in a football match against another school.

    A.broke; played

    B.was breaking; was playing

    C.broke; was playing

    D.was breaking; played

    25、We have studied English for only one year,() we can perform English short plays already.





    26、What() after you finish your study in college?

    A.do you do

    B.are you going to do

    C.are you doing

    D.will you have done

    27、The policeman kept his eyes (   ) on the screen of the computer to identify the criminal’s footprints.



    C.being fixed

    D.to fix

    28、()you have done might do harm to other people.





    29、There are usually at least two() of looking at every question.





    30、julie has gained more experience than() in her restaurant and the customers like her.

    A.any waitress

    B.other waitresses

    C.the waitress

    D.any other waitress



    the young engineer sat down on a rock and rested his head in his hands. he would never get home; it was hopeless. for weeks he had been1 in the northwest canadian forest. now there was a terrible pain behind his eyes, and worst of all, he had gone 2.

    suddenly a man appeared out of the woods, an indian who had been hunting in the area. seeing the engineer’s  3 , he caught a fish in a nearby stream and fed the sick man the  4 of the fish and some flesh from its head.  5 , within a few hours the engineer’s pain was gone. a day later he could see again, and the next day he had completely  6 .

    when he returned home, the engineer told the story to dr. price. not until years later did it become a(n)  7 fact that this was just an everyday lifeguard doing its work, for what the engineer did, by eating fish eyes, was to take his vitamin(维生素).

    vitamin a’s biggest job is to keep the eyes  8 . without a, people and animals get night blindness and other eye problems.9 a, people can even be totally blind. a helps to keep the skin in good shape. a also helps with bones and teeth and has something to do with proper   10 of blood cells.

    1.a. lose     b. lost       c. losing       d.to lose 

    2.a.blind     b.mad       c.changed      d.separated

    3.a.starvation    b.situation      c.trouble     d.reality

    4.a.tail       b.skin        c.bone        d.eyes

    5.a. possibly        b. surprisingly

     c. fortunately      d. immediately

    6.a.covered     b.discovered       c.recovered      d.uncovered

    7.a.actual      b.accepted         c.solved         d.ordinary

    8.a.rolling      b.moving         c.going          d.looking

    9.a. for        b. with           c. without       d. about

    10.a.growth        b.search        c.choice        d.size


    it was sunday and there was  1    school that day.

    “look! john, it’s snowing  2  ,” said jack. john rushed to the window and saw it was really true. different   3    other days, john got up, washed and put clothes on himself as  4   as possible. in a few minutes he stood watching the garden turn white as the snow fell.

    after the snow had stopped, johnand jack ran into the garden. they threw snowballs   5    each other. then their six-year-old neighbour, peter,   6   them. they ran, laughed and played  7    snowballs. soon they became tired of this and jack said, “why   8    make a snowman?”

    so they started to work, using a garden spade and their hands to build the body.

    when the body was finished, some stones were used for making the nose, eyes, ears and mouth. john put his hat on the snowman’s head.

    the work was   9   and the snowman stood there, the same size   10    john.

    1. a. not                       b. not a                        c. little                         d. no

    2. a. big                       b. heavily                     c. heavy                       d. hardly

    3. a. as                        b. in                             c. from                        d. like

    4. a. quick                    b. soon                        c. quickly                     d. slowly

    5. a. at                         b. on                            c. for                           d. with

    6. a. took part in           b. joined in                   c. attended                   d joined

    7. a. with                         b. the                           c. of                            d. on

    8. a. don’t                    b. won’t                       c. not                          d. not to

    9. a. off                       b. up                            c. end                          d. over

    10. a. like                     b. as                            c. of                            d. for


    mr. gray traveled a lot on business. he sold machines of various kinds to farmers, which he thought not really a very exciting job, but mr. gray had always been interested in _  1  , and he was quite satisfied with his life.

    he had a big car, and usually enjoyed driving it long distances, but he was also quite   2   to go by train sometimes too — especially when the weather was bad.he was a little frightened of driving in the rain or snow, and it was   3   tiring to sit comfortably in a train and look out of the windows without being worried about how one was going to get to the next place.

    one of mr. gray's problem was where to stay when he reached some small   4   in the country.he did not expect comfort and wonderful food, but he found it annoying(恼火的)when he was given a cool room, and when there was no hot water  5   good food after a long and tiring day.

    late one winter evening, mr. gray arrived at a small railway station.the journey by train that day had not been at all interesting, and mr. gray was cold and tired and  6 .he was looking forward to a simple but satisfying meal by a brightly burning _7  , and then a hot bath and a comfortable bed.

    while he was walking to the taxi stand, he said to a local man who was also walking there,“as this is my   8   visit to this part of the country and i was in too much of a hurry to find out about hotels before i left home, i would very much like to know how many you have here.”

    the local man answered,“we have two.”

    “and which of the two would you   9   me to go to?”mr. gray asked then.

    the local man scratched(搔)his head for a few moments and then answered,“well, it’s like this,  10  one you go to, you’ll be sorry you didn’t go to the other.”

    1. a. farming       b. gardening     c. travelling           d. driving

    2. a. satisfied      b. tired          c. excited             d. encouraged

    3. a. more         b. less          c. much              d. so

    4. a. room         b. restaurant     c. hotel              d. place

    5. a. or            b. and          c. but            d. nor

    6. a. cross         b. thirsty        c. sleepy         d. hungry

    7. a. fire           b. candle        c. oil            d. light

    8. a. last           b. best          c. first          d. only

    9. a. want         b. advise         c. allow         d. permit

    10. a. whichever     b. whatever      c. any          d. each



    governments,media and people around the world have become very worried about something called sudan i (苏丹红1号). this chemical dye,_1_ in many food products, was said to _2_ cancer. newspapers told everyone to be careful and governments pulled this product off supermarket _3_.

        sudan i is a red dye used for _4_ oils, waxes, petrol, shoe and floor polishes(上光剂). scientists have found if used in food, it can _5_ an increased risk of cancer.

        on march 4, beijing’s food safety office said that it found the cancer-causing dye in meiweiyuan chili(红辣椒)sauce in the city. now the _6_, famous us food company heinz, has recalled its chili sauces and chili oils sold in china.

        this follows news of food companies, including mcdonald’s, _7_ some products in britain after finding the dye in them.

        france was the first to _8_ the chemical dye in 2003. since then , foods _9_ sudan i have been banned in the european union.

        _10_ experts say that people who have eaten any of the products should not _11_ too much. the cancer risk from sudan i is very _12_, as only tiny amounts of it are used in foods.

        sudan i was banned from food products because experiments on rats _13_ that it could cause serious tumors(肿瘤).

        but, alan boobies, an expert in london, says there is little _14_ for the public to worry. he said that the levels fed to the rats were in much, much bigger amounts _15_their body size. the amounts in food products eaten by humans are _16_.

        the rats that got tumors were given 30 milligrams of sudan i per kilogram of body weight, every day for two years. animals given half the amount showed no _17_ of cancer.

    the tumors only _18_ in the rats after many months. for humans, this means that if the dye were to have any _19_, it would take around 20 years. professor boobis gives a _20_.”it’s just like the cancer risk linked with smoking just one cigarette in a lifetime,” he said.

    1. a. stuck                       b. stored                     c. found               d. offered

    2. a. produce                         b. cause                     c. make               d. give

    3. a. shelves                b. cases                c. storage            d. tables

    4. a. gluing                        b. gathering                c. coloring        d. conducting

    5. a. allow for                  b. adjust to                 c. call for             d. contribute to

    6. a. seller                         b. producer                 c. customer     d. farmer

    7. a. breaking up            b. putting out        c. pulling away    d. taking back

    8. a. reject                         b. invent                         c. notice                     d. produce

    9. a. causing                   b. including                 c. containing              d. using

    10. a. but                           b. also                        c. then               d. so

    11. a. complain                  b. disagree                 c. worry               d. blame

    12. a. high                         b. low                          c. common       d. rare

    13. a. guided                         b. guaranteed             c. rated               d. showed

    14. a. concern                     b. reason                 c. cause                  d. right

    15. a. compared to            b. regardless of          c. used to            d. in spite of

    16. a. none                        b. larger             c. tiny                  d. more

    17. a. signals                      b. marks                         c. symbols           d. signs

    18. a. produced              b. developed                 c. made               d. created

    19. a. effect                       b. cause                         c. harm               d. change

    20. a. connection            b. perception                  c. recognition      d. comparison


    35、学校在民主的基础上运行,所有的员工都参与决策。(democratic, be involved in)

    the school is run on democratic lines, and all the staff is involved in making decisions.


    By working hard day and night, he succeeded at last.

    37、 几天前竣工的那座建筑是城里最宏伟的一幢建筑。(largest one)

    The building completed a few days ago is the largest one in our city.

    38、 因为没有亲生儿女,他们决定领养一个孤儿。(adopt,orphan)

    6.Having no children of their own, they decided to adopt an orphan.


    The outbreak of any disease will be a disaster to the human beings.

    40、处于压力下的人容易发挥自己全部的潜力。(tend to)

    2.People under stress tend to express their full range of potential.

    41、 据说这位老人是镇上最富有的人。(it is said)

    10.It is said that the old man is the richest one in the town.

    42、 对这件事我不想发表任何评论。(make comment on)

      I won’t make any comment on this matter. 


    43、以Should Students Make Friends on Line? 为题,写一篇100词的短文。



